Title: Valiant Chapter 7/38
Author: MeiLin
Characters/pairing in this chapter: Clive, Francine, Shae, Sean, Jane, Jack
Rating for this chapter: PG
Summary for this chapter: In which Miss Dexter closes her trap on the Doctor and is caught herself, and the Joneses are unwillingly reunited in the back of a van.
A/N for this chapter: This chapter is original to the novella.
Valiant Central Page "Martha! It's a trap!" Clive Jones yelled into the phone to his daughter.
Shit, sighed Shae to herself. She slammed down the receiver and signaled her men. "We do it the hard way, then. Pick up the sister at Downing Street--Letitia Jones. Track down the brother, Leo. We'll wait here for Jones and her co-conspirators."
"I cooperated!" cried Francine as she and her ex-husband were thrown into the waiting van. "I cooperated!"
When Martha's car rounded the corner, Shae thought she was ready. "Take aim," she called out. And then she saw Jack.
She knew he would be with Martha and the Doctor, but still. She met his eyes briefly and then grated out "Open fire," her face hard. She was almost relieved when they escaped.
"Report," said Shae.
Jane Da Silva glanced at her monitor. "We're having a bit of trouble locating some of the people on the Prime Minister's list, ma'am." At Shae's arched brow she added, "We have most of them. And the missing ones--we know where they're supposed to be, but some of them have apparently gone to ground. It's as if they knew we were coming. Good intelligence network for such a ragtag band of terrorists." She tapped a few keys. "The journalist Sarah Jane Smith and her son--they're nowhere. And we only found one of the members of that LINDA group, man named Elton Pope. The rest have gone missing. Strange bit of alien tech we found on him, though."
She swiveled her monitor around. "That's unusual," said Sean Molloy, studying the slab of concrete. What does it do?"
"So far? It talks. That's it."
"We've tracked a mobile call between Martha Jones and her brother. He's in Brighton, and he knows we're looking for him," Molloy said.
"Pick him up."
"Team on the way." Shae squeezed Molloy's muscular shoulder and smiled down on him; he returned it with a cheeky wink. "Terrorist chasing is quite exciting, ma'am."
"Duly noted," she replied.
The next morning they were aboard the Valiant, escorting the Jones family. Shae was taking a rare moment to herself to look out at the cloudscape below from a viewing corridor, when she felt someone behind her. "Ever seen anything like?" Molloy breathed in her ear in his smooth Irish baritone. "An aircraft carrier in the sky."
"You've no idea," Shae smiled lazily, leaning back against him. They studied the white hills and valleys together for a moment.
"So why does Saxon want that accomplice's family here, of all places?"
Shae shrugged. "I don't ask, I just do. I'm sure he has his reasons."
"Aren't you going to watch first contact?" asked Molloy, slipping his arms around her waist. "You're not at all curious about these aliens?"
"Sean, you know as well as I do that this isn't our first contact. My only curiosity is which aliens have decided to show up publicly." She turned to him and slid a hand inside his jacket. "And we can find that out any time."
The ship bucked sharply, nearly knocking them off their feet. "What the fuck!" Shae reached for her earpiece, then realized she had no real jurisdiction aboard the Valiant.
She suddenly felt fear bear down on her from nowhere, heavy and enveloping. A psychic attack? "Shae--" Sean's voice was urgent, and uncharacteristically frightened. Molloy felt it too; she'd never seen him so rattled.
She whirled to face the windows. An enormous rip had torn open the sky above the Valiant. Hundreds of millions--no, must have been billions--of silver spheres were hurtling through it in formation towards the Earth. She gripped Molloy's arm and stared, one hand against the window frame.
This wasn't the plan at all.