❀ - [Text] - 第三 (not locked, but not entirely meant to be public)

Dec 19, 2011 02:25

[OOC: A bit stream-of-consciousness, but then, she didn't entirely mean to post this...Strike-outs are indeed deleted, but small text can be read.]

With all this craziness with monsters going on, I'm really glad most everyone got through it okay, especially including 大哥 老師 China, since he disappeared for so long. Not that I missed him or anything! It's just that he's really not any good at being by himself, and it's definitely not that I was worried about him or anything like that! Because I definitely wasn't!

Um. Anyway. Right when everyone who didn't take the weird medicine that the scientists gave us first began feeling strange, I started to have this really weird dream. ...which doesn't seem that important considering everything else that was going on, but I had it every night until people started to return to normal. That usually means it's important, right? Something your brain is really focused on?

It always starts off with me flying, which was really cool! And then when I look down, I realize that I'm actually flying on a dragon! He was really beautiful, and old, and wise, just like dragons in stories are supposed to be , especially from my favorite stories that China used to tell me to make me to go sleep when I was younger...!

He looked really familiar too...

I wonder what it's supposed to mean.
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