a lot happen!!!

Oct 12, 2016 05:05

All I want is for this week to be over...

Although I had a lot of fun being with my Mommy B and spending time with her is precious and I appreciate his husband Daddy O. sweet gesture...

Last night was a depressing part...a lot of S*** happen...

Like one of my friend is in need because she lost her collection on her hard drive and I am not able to help her because I am no way of having a good internet connection nor remote access her lappy...I feel so helpless...

And there comes my Boss, sending me messages although he knows I can't come for work...darn it...

Then my OM talked to me about applying for being a support which I have declined many times,,,but keeps on bothering me about it...then gave me a ton of paper works becuase I decline about the offer... its not fair...

my week didn't start out right I guess that is why it's like a domino effect...

Sorry about ranting this I just don't how to get these frustration out... but looking forward in ending this week soon...

I can't even do my fan girling since my schedule was so harsh to me... I don't know why but they keep on coming...ugh! *sigh*
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