(no subject)

Dec 16, 2005 04:35

L A S T P E R S O N T H A T*

1. Slept in your bed: Jon

2. Saw you cry: Jon... we went to see King Kong

3. Made you cry: KING KONG... stupid monkey

4. Went to the movies with you: Jon, Shane, and Shane's date

5. You went to the mall with: Jon and Shane

7. You went to dinner with: Jon and his parents

8. You talked on the phone: Jon.. wow this is getting sad

9. Made you laugh: Jon kept calling me stupid... so I laughed

10. Bought you something: Jon... Madagascar and Cinderella Man!! YAY!

.. wow that was really NOT interesting


1. being hot or cold? I love being cold... especially to sleep - as long as I have a blanket

2. Winter or Fall?: Winter.. what is there to look forward to in the fall?? School?!?

3. having 10 acquaintances who will have sex with you or having two best friends?: Maybe half of both?? haha... nah... the sex will always come and go... but friends will stick with you - so FRIENDS

4. vodka or Jack?: Jack.. its in the frontal lobotomy afterall

What time is it? geez its 3:36am


Where do you want to live?: When I first moved here I wanted to leave ASAP... but over the years I've grown quite fond of this here state - so I wouldn't mind sticking around

What kind of job do you want?: I want to own my own music management company... I had one for a little while - but with surgery it had to go on hold

Do you want to get married?: As appealing as being a cat lady sounds I'm gonna say YES


1. Nervous Habits? I pick at my nails... and my leg shakes

2. Can you roll your tongue?: YES!!

3. Can you cross your eyes?: Yes but I look like a monkey

4. Do you make your bed daily?: i honesly dont see the point in it.. unless I'll be having company

5. On the average, how much money do you carry in your wallet? I carry my little things called credit cards and they ALWAYS get me into trouble

*F O O D*

1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Twirl... where's the fun in cutting it?

2. What's your favorite restaurant?: I'm not a big restaunt-er so I'm going to go ahead and say Dennys

3. Do you cook?: I try valiantly... and fail miserably - but I get an E for effort


1. Do you swear?: *sigh* yes... I try not to

2. Do you ever spit: I did once to see if I could do it farther then someone else

3. You're happy with your hair? No, it needs a cut... but I'm leaving it until after the recoup time

4. You own a dog?: YES! Even though she likes Jon more

5. You're always making new friends? But of course


In the last month have you...

1. Bought something: It is christmas... and my bank statment is getting longer and longer

2. Sang: yes... I'm sorry to all those around me

3. Been kissed: Yes

4. Felt stupid: Its pretty much a dail occurance

5. Got drunk: ha.. probably a few too many times

6. Gotten high: Nope

7. Watched cartoons: Family Guy is an addiction

*H A V E Y O U E V E R*

1. Wished you were the opposite sex: No... I dont know how you guys live with those things... haha

2. Snuck out of your house: Didn't need to

3. Gave money to a homeless person: In Austin you kind of have to... they're everywhere
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