Mar 30, 2007 12:29
Critical Comments
Hey Joss,
I totally agree with you, Nineteenth century literature is very powerful as it evokes such an appreciation of the arts and in effect the splendours of life. The concepts of utilitarianism is particularly interesting especially pertaining to the literature it inspired when it’s being challenged.
The affects you mentioned of Darwinism on society and literature provides such an insight into the relevance of religion, faith and humanity.
I thought that Edward Lear’s poem ‘The Jumblies was sooo much fun! It turned poetry into a comical game. I get what you mean about the underlying monotone but I think that that was just because as a class we were reading it for the first time, in front of a lot of people and were probably too shy to read it with enthusiasm. However, that being said, reading it out loud actually wasn’t as exciting as it sounded in my head. In my head it sounded much more exciting, “And when the sieve turned round and round, And everyone cried, “You’ll be drowned!”, it just provoked such a cute, innocent spell of excitement. And I imagined these colourful little jelly like Jumblies that only I knew what the really looked like that came from these hidden place within the imagination that I knew only I could access. I know that everyone else probably saw the entire poem take picture in their head but it still felt like the author was letting me in on the secret only.
Thanks for your insights Joss,
Have a good one