Apr 16, 2006 23:42
Sometimes, while watching tv, especially infomercialesque and/or crime show tv, i will ignore a ringing phone for no particular reason. Is it... laziness? antisocial tendencies? the opposite of ADD? i don't really know why, but i enjoy being somehow unreachable (and, of course, infomercialesque and crime show tv). For the past few days I've been visiting my sister and after only a few hours away, my phone battery wilted and died. (Naturally, I'd forgotten my charger). But the interesting part is that I didn't feel concerned or disconnected or even mildly upset. I liked the freedom of it, in a way. I also stopped checking email and would have instituted a technological connection-free policy for my mini break, except that I've been tv-deprived for two terms at school and as I mentioned before, I'm kind of an infomercial and crime show fan. Therefore, instead of connecting with other people, (that is, real people) I got in touch with strangers who give birth on tv, who present before-and-after workout video photos, and who are in desperate need of fashion advice. I'm pretty sure it 's not healthy to become so entranced by television, but I forget how compelling it can be after months of not watching it. In any case, I'm sorry to people who tried to call or email me while I was sucked into the world of tv; I'm not dead or sick or ignoring you, I'm just easily entertained.
On another note, it's Easter! (at least now at 11:59, in a minute it will be over...) It was a good holiday for me, except for feeling violently ill in church (I thought I might have to throw up over the edge of the balcony) everything went smoothly and it was nice to have a small immediate-family-only holiday. Not that I don't love my relatives, they're just inconvienent. I miss Cadbury eggs, though. Not that I need the calories; I more than met the quota with cookies from Stahl's bakery, I just miss the tradition of sickeningly sweet candy with too many hard boiled eggs. But perhaps it was for the best, after all. I might have ruined an Easter dress or two puking into the unsuspecting congregation below.
Well, I'm off to Germany soon! I bought a sweet backpack at REI on Thursday and a sleeping bag that rolls into six by eleven inches. I was so excited by my purchases that when I brought them home I set them in my room and did the Chrissy wave-my-hands-at-them in love and excitement. (It looks kind of freakish, but it's honestly the best way to express intense approval and happiness). So I'm pretty much set for the D-land, except for the language barrier, of course. But I'm trying not to worry too much when there's so much to look forward to.
If I don't see anyone for a while, it's probably because I'm going to be on The Continent for 4 months and 3 weeks (leaving Wednesday)!!!! I hope everyone wraps up school with style and has an amazing summer! I'll try to update here occassionally to let people know what I'm up to. Till Then...
over and out.