Okay. After I had my little episode with all my friends here. I had a total break down saturday night.
My friend had me in tears. Not on purpose, she just told me to call scott coz I said I needed to talk to him. Then she said I was falling in love with him. Then I went ballistic, I have a complex. I can't get attached. People leave. People can't leave me or I go psychotic on myself. I know its unhealthy, but I get attached.
So then my parents got into a fight at 0200 because my brother was stuck in Dallas, TX and my dad paid for his ticket back and my mom hates my half-brother on my dad's side. Yeah. I was up until about 0430. Then I was exhausted so I slept. When I woke up it was 1845. Nate showed up soon after. I was kind floating.
Okay, so that's like 20 eggs, we cooked like 20 pancakes, almost an entire five pound bag of hash browns. And yes...we ate the cookies. We also had sausage. This is at like 2130. Haha. After the subzero walk to the store and back.
Nathan/Cadin, Tasha, and Eddie. In Order, Left to Right. Then we all ended up on the same couch in a huddle of limbs and blankets because it wasa like -20 out, and my house wasn't much warmer xD
My books for Mondays and Wednesdays for my college classes. ...This doesn't include the high school books I carry with them AND my lapatop. My back is STILL hurting. Vidicin didn't even work. T_T
My dorky Scott, watching Sweeney Todd with me on my computer. This is AFTER I woke up. I ended up falling asleep on him between my math and anatomy class. Muhaha *hugs him* Then I stole his glasses. He is BLINNNNNND. xD.
Thats all I have to share at the moment. Locke noche.