I've decided to start a little thing where I I'm able to post up things that I enjoy or really dislike and sort of review them. Since I'm not making much progress on this journal, I figure if I can talk about things and review them, I would be more inclined to post. Since only like three or four people read this journal anyway, it won't make much of a difference, but I think writing like this is good practice. The reviews will likely be Anime/Manga/Video Game-related, but I may occasionally do a movie, product, or service if they stand out enough.
My first review is probably my newest and most favorite "obsession", partially because it's quality entertainment and doesn't cost anything. If you know me well enough, you know that I love the retro video games I grew up with. We've always had a console around, whether it was the NES or Genesis or SNES. When I watch reviews of old games, I get nostalgia for them even if I had never played them myself. The Angry Video Game Nerd is a little different from all that, but I enjoy it just as much, if not more.
"The Angry Video Game Nerd" is a character in a series of videos portrayed by James Rolfe, an amateur filmmaker. Chances are, if you're into gaming, you've probably at least heard of him in passing. He essentially plays old games of the 1980s-1990s that have some notably bad gameplay or other features, and comically reviews them in an over-the-top manner. He's foul-mouthed, drinks beer excessively, wears glasses and a white collared shirt with pens in the pocket, and makes a few too many fecal jokes, but he knows his video games.
Some people criticize him for his humor being too over the top, but I think that's part of the charm of his character. He pulls it off well, and without it I don't think the videos would be nearly as funny. There's probably only one thing I don't like about the videos, and that's when his friend comes in as some even more over-the-top annoying character. I don't think we're supposed to like him, but it's hard for me to enjoy the videos as much when he's around. He does a good job for what he does, but maybe it if were toned down just a tad it wouldn't be so bad.
Something that started out as a small experiment blew up in a way that only the internet can cause. He now has millions of fans around the world, and makes it a point never to ignore them (unlike some internet phenomena who get big heads and forget who got them there). He's a perfect example of how anyone with a good idea and a little work can make something that attracts the attention of millions. He's got my support, and I hope to see him get even more as time goes on.
If you're interested in this series of videos, you can check them out
here. If you're going to start watching, I recommend picking something you might be interested in to first see if you like it, and then start from the earlier videos and make your way up. He often mentions previous videos later on, so it's easier to get the references if you watch them in order. Simon's Quest isn't a very good example of his work, though, so you don't have to start there.