Image meme

Apr 04, 2007 08:26

This is kind of fun. As seen on docbrite's journal....plug the answers to the questions into Google Image, and post the first image that appears.

1. Your age on your next birthday:

2. Your favorite color:

3. Your middle name:

(this one deserves a *snork*)

4. The last meal you ate:

5. Your bad habit:

6. Your favorite fruit or vegetable:

7. Your favorite animal:
For pet-type animal:

For farm-type animal:

Wild animal:

8. The town you live in:

I didn't think there'd be anything out there!

9. The name of your pet or last pet:

10. Your SO or best friend's nickname:

11. Your crush's name:

12. Your occupation:

13. Your birth city:

14. Your favorite song

meme madness, images

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