Mar 01, 2006 15:37
My dad had a prostate biopsy done while he was in town last week. He just got the results.
It was positive.
So he has prostate cancer. He's decided on the surgical route to deal with it, and is collecting opinions regarding surgeons. It was caught very early (thank goodness for regular prostate exams and PSA tests -- it may not be pleasant, guys, but get it done!), so the likelihood of survival is really high.
He is quite calm about it all. We'll see how the rest of the family reacts when he tells them (he has so far told only my mom and me). My sister will probably go bananas for a short period of time. My grandmother will be upset, but will deal with it calmly and strongly.
On a different family-related health note: Squeaker had her two week appointment today, and has gained back her birth weight plus some....she's gained 14 ounces in a week! So I guess my fears about her not getting enough to eat were completely unfounded :o) She also had to have another heel stick and a HepB vaccination. I have never before seen actual tears in her eyes when she cried until today. That about undid me, and M looked about ready to punch somebody.
And I've been given a new anti-depressant prescription specifically for postpartum depression, which will hopefully help some. The last couple of days have been pretty bad -- baby's been great, but mom has been a complete basket case. Of course, I also had had very little sleep; today I am more rested, so I am on a much more even keel. Amazing what a few hours of sleep can do for you!