Nov 03, 2005 08:21
Baby is scheduled to make her appearance in 15 weeks, and there is still so much to do.
Without knowing what our job situations are going to be, I don't know what kind of daycare to arrange. If I can find something that has normal hours and no traveling (still waiting on getting back to EDS), then regular daycare is fine. Or if Matt can find something like that. His company says he's good 'til the end of the year, and that after the 1st, they are supposed to find internal positions for everyone that is being displaced by this liquidation. But of course, now there is the rumour going around that the entire company is going to be sold, so who knows what's going to happen. And if he's out of a job, then the daycare situation is resolved, although the financial situation certainly isn't!
I have an appointment to interview a pediatrician in December -- he comes highly recommended by my sister, so I'm sure that will be fine.
We have to figure out something for the childbirth classes -- we can't do the ones the hospital offers because the hospital is a) too far away to get to on a weekly basis during rush hour, and b) they aren't offered at any time even remotely convenient to our schedules.
The baby's bedroom is still only about halfway decorated -- it's been painted, but we haven't done the trim yet, and don't have all the furniture. I realize this is not absolutely necessary at this point, but I want to be prepared in case she makes an early appearance, plus I really don't think I'm going to be wanted to mess with that sort of thing in my last trimester.
There are still tons of supplies we have to get. My sister tells me they are going to have a baby shower for me, but it's not like there are so many people to invite that I won't have to buy anything....there are only like 3 people who will be included, so most of the stuff I need we will need to buy. It's not the money or anything, it's just that everything takes so much *TIME* and my job is continuing to eat up way too much of that. Plus, the shower is supposed to be in less than a month, but no invitations have gone out or anything (she hasn't even asked me for the addresses she'd need), so *shrug* who knows.
We've got to find more storage space in the house somehow. We also need to clear out the garage, as I'd like to be able to get my car in there by the time we bring the baby home. So much of this stuff I really need my husband's help on, since I'm not supposed to be doing a whole lot of heavy lifting right now, and he never wants to do any of it.
And the holidays are coming up, which is always a lovely crazy time of the year. *sigh*
I know it'll all get done, but dang, there's so much of it!!!
running out of time