what to do without hockey?! all of this, apparently.
Sep 03, 2012 19:28
As we are only about two weeks off the all but guaranteed NHL lockout (which I get upset about every time I'm reminded of it, which is every time I look at anything to do with hockey, which pretty much means ALL THE TIME AUGH), I thought I'd focus on some things which are excellent!
Also, I have the worst hair envy with regards to Holland Roden. All the damn time. I crush on her hair, her face, her style, her ability to wear bright lipsticks, her giggles, her brain, her chattiness, her random factoids about dolphins, her handsy affection with the rest of the TW cast, her enthusiasm for everything... BUT MOST OF ALL HER HAAAAIR.
I know there's a gazillion pounds of product in it but STILL.
OH. And for quotes like these:
“I just simply am not a dater. I think I have been on three official dates in my life. They are like job interviews and I refuse to be romantically employed.”
“Crystal (Reed) and I have to stick together and represent the female presence on our very male dominated set and show.”
“I eat healthy, but people correlate eating healthy with thinness. In reality they don’t have a lot to do with one another. You can be skinny but not healthy.”
“I still have to remind myself to brush my hair and look socially acceptable.” (On being in an all-girls school for most of her education)
E. So Elementary! I saw the pilot! You, too, can see the pilot if you so wish by digging a bit on the "elementary tag on Tumblr.
I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would! A huge part of that was Lucy Liu. I must give a caveat here that I don't really remember the other stuff she's been in (I am horrible at movies and also horrible at remembering things, so the two together is like my combined worst enemy) so I didn't watch it because I'm her biggest fan or anything. I confess, I was going to watch Elementary mostly 1) to see an Asian-American woman in a lead role and 2) because I love Sherlock Holmes and I love adaptations.
This is not going to be a deep analysis, just a shallow reporting of my reaction. I thought Lucy Liu's acting was great: I loved her facial expressions, unimpressed or angry or wary. I enjoyed this different take on Holmes, too, especially one otherwise randomly transplanted from London to NYC. I think they both have intriguing backstories (though I do understand the quibbles people have with regards to what was changed about Watson's, i.e., the army surgeon). I think I might have enjoyed the pilot more than BBC Sherlock in general, though whether that will hold up is open to debate. I was pleasantly surprised by Sherlock being a dick (of course, he's Holmes) but actually being called out on it, himself cognizant of it, and occasionally even apologizing for it.
I thought there was decent chemistry! The plot was about as twisty as the canon, meaning you know enough to expect red herrings and "creative" twist to explain the facts.
I loved Watson being all fannish about baseball at the end. Yes! A girl who loves her sports and needs you to shut up and sit down while she gets her investment on. (But, alas, said part of me, why baseball? The only major sport I give no fucks about.)
Also. An NYC that actually has diversity! Watson getting to figure things out instead of tagging along after Holmes and being continually impressed by his brilliance! Let's be honest, that's way more than Watson ever did in the books, and sometimes changes can be good things.
So yes, I'm intrigued for the rest and hope it stays on course with character development. That's always the thing I'm wariest about. CBS has this love of shoehorning in romantic subplots between male-female leads to sell viewership, because otherwise no one would watch! Everyone's tuning in only for the will they-won't they romantic tension! Right?
Eh. I'm crossing my fingers but I'm not holding my breath.
But overall, I enjoyed the pilot a lot.
Also it strikes me that I should mention I have a tumblr @seofeng but you shouldn't feel obligated to follow me. I used to be all hockey and Teen Wolf all the time, and while it's a slightly better balance now of all random things that intrigue me, it can probably still be too much of one or the other. Be warned I am totally ignorant of Tumblr etiquette re: following back as I just blithely follow blogs and tags that I reblog from.