You can tell the entire kpop portion of my flist has left LJ when 5jib is out and there's not a single post about it. To be honest, I totally failed to pay attention too and only found about the album post-release
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I have missed you, specifically because of comments much like this one.
I thought maybe it was me with the lack of posting, though I have seen one or two. I loved the teaser, only to be upset when I found that music was nowhere on the album. The title song did nothing for me until I saw the mv. I will admit to the shallowness of watching it over and over just to see their faces. They look durn good. Real good. Real real good. The word you used was earwormed right? Yeah that happened.
I have yet to see the live perfs, but you hit the head on the nail about them aging gracefully. It is lovely to see. It is not a blockbuster, breakout album of songs but I like the majority of them and don't have a hard time listening. More of a slow and steady kind of thing.
Awww... the thanks to HenMi and Geng ? How sweet!!!!!
I think people migrated to Twitter! Which is one place I don't use anymore, so I only hear about the Twitter-flail but don't actually witness it.
I really enjoyed yesterday's outfits far more than today's. I guess we'll see what tomorrow brings!
The entire English translation of the lyrics to Superman makes me roll my eyes a bit, haha. I find it a little awkward and tasteless to sing a song about how awesome you are. That said, I do really like the song itself; better that I tune them out so I don't understand it!
I have never used Twitter, I think I spend more than enough time online Twitter would probably make me lose what's left of my meager store of brain cells.
I knew I was confused for a reason. I had not even heard of Superman until you mentioned it and then finally got to see it on Youtube. Thank you for the translation lyrics but it is definitely one of those cases where it sounds better without really knowing what they are saying. We totally enjoyed the song itself and the Mr. Simple performance was fantastic. I prefer the live performances anyway. I like them best when they've done them a time or three and have a sense of how it works in real life on stage and has been fine tuned a little bit.
I lobe that they are loving each other too. One of my favorite tracks on the album is actually "Good Friends"
I also meant to say that while I totally get how you and Donghae and Kyuhyun all fit in your pants, --believe me I get it, I really do. I .... yeah.. Yesung and Eunhyuk kinda made me sit up and take notice. Don't know if it was the hair or the lips or the voice. With Eunhyuk it was the mouth. I am finding myself fascinated with his mouth. The other one, well it is Yesung so it isn't that surprising.
I expect most of any fanfic to appear, if any, will focus even more on Leeteuk and Heechul enlisting, huh.
Actually that really was just an observation about upcoming fic. I hope there is some new good stuff written too, but there is always tons to read. Happiness for you in HP land!!!!!
I thought maybe it was me with the lack of posting, though I have seen one or two. I loved the teaser, only to be upset when I found that music was nowhere on the album. The title song did nothing for me until I saw the mv. I will admit to the shallowness of watching it over and over just to see their faces. They look durn good. Real good. Real real good. The word you used was earwormed right? Yeah that happened.
I have yet to see the live perfs, but you hit the head on the nail about them aging gracefully. It is lovely to see.
It is not a blockbuster, breakout album of songs but I like the majority of them and don't have a hard time listening. More of a slow and steady kind of thing.
Awww... the thanks to HenMi and Geng ? How sweet!!!!!
What is Teuk saying in Superman?
I really enjoyed yesterday's outfits far more than today's. I guess we'll see what tomorrow brings!
The entire English translation of the lyrics to Superman makes me roll my eyes a bit, haha. I find it a little awkward and tasteless to sing a song about how awesome you are. That said, I do really like the song itself; better that I tune them out so I don't understand it!
I love that the SJM boys are loving each other. ♥
I knew I was confused for a reason. I had not even heard of Superman until you mentioned it and then finally got to see it on Youtube. Thank you for the translation lyrics but it is definitely one of those cases where it sounds better without really knowing what they are saying. We totally enjoyed the song itself and the Mr. Simple performance was fantastic. I prefer the live performances anyway. I like them best when they've done them a time or three and have a sense of how it works in real life on stage and has been fine tuned a little bit.
I lobe that they are loving each other too. One of my favorite tracks on the album is actually "Good Friends"
Yesung and Eunhyuk kinda made me sit up and take notice. Don't know if it was the hair or the lips or the voice. With Eunhyuk it was the mouth. I am finding myself fascinated with his mouth. The other one, well it is Yesung so it isn't that surprising.
I expect most of any fanfic to appear, if any, will focus even more on Leeteuk and Heechul enlisting, huh.
I agree about fine-tuning the performances; Sorry Sorry, for example, looked much better after they figured out their little quirks.
I honestly have no idea about fic since I'm swimming in HP forever (still!) but I hope you find stuff to read!
Actually that really was just an observation about upcoming fic. I hope there is some new good stuff written too, but there is always tons to read. Happiness for you in HP land!!!!!
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