Off on a holiday cruise with family from the 22nd - 27th. Will more or less be incommunicado during this period: no internet, no phone, etc. You should not see me around, as I should be sunning myself en route to the Bahamas with books, and music, and very probably my laptop along so I can watch lots of movies and H50. You see my priorities, right? The Bahamas are not Hawaii but you will not see me complaining~
Hoping you all lovely Christmases with loved ones. ♥ Be well, be merry, be warm! I shall be. ;) (Providing that a prolonged period of time in confined spaces with my family does not kill me - I can already feel my stress levels ratcheting up - but cruises provide alcohol, so I will survive, somehow.)
Thank you to the wonderful
darkunicorna - I got your card! Handmade! Eee, you are too sweet. ♥