Posted on my behalf by the ever-lovely
suxing. ♥
Safely in Beijing - all is mostly well, though there was a little trouble earlier. Mostly it consisted of me bemoaning the fact that The Great Cockblock of China (you know, the firewall), has apparently decided to block Blogger (though it was accessible last year). This is tragic, as it renders my travel blog inaccessible and useless. :'(
New travel blog here: Yeah, New Zealand. Guess China's not feeling the threat from that (on top of it being fairly new). I thought about using DW but, well, something's holding me back. Sorry for the change! It's a hassle, I know. Feel free to ignore this post, or to follow my blog if you want. Just a head's up for anyone interested. :)
P.S. Now if anyone wants to be 110% awesome and go above and beyond the duty of awesome, emailing me Megaupload links to HQ performances of SuJu... I may have to give you my firstborn. Or write you fic. Or something! :3 (Tragically, China also hates Youtube and, for some reason, Mediafire. FML, China, way to make using the internet 50% less fun.)