
Jan 17, 2009 22:56

Create an image of 9 things you currently really like, explain the things, and tag others so they can share some inspiration and positive vibes too.

Happiness is...

In no particular order of happy-making:
01. Gee by SNSD - ridiculously cheerful, catchy, cute song. It's upbeat and fun and puts me in a good mood, even while studying.
02. Top Chef on Bravo, season 5 - I started watching this late last semester and now I'm all caught up on this season. I love shows about food, what can I say? I dislike about half the people on here, but it's still fun to watch. I like Hosea and Fabio and Jeff, mostly Jeff because he is blond.
03. Super Junior M - Geng vies with Donghae and Heechul for my top favorite. I fall in more in love with Kyuhyun and Zhou Mi's voices every time I hear them. Siwon makes me laugh. Ryeowook and Henry are so cute and gay together. Donghae. Need I say more?
04. Green tea - I've been living off this stuff for the past week. It's hot and comforting in the cold winter. It reminds me of home.
05. Merlin BBC - The fics have been lovely (some have even made me like the Arthurian legends again). I'm fond of Merlin, for he's endearing and adorable, but this show is all about Arthur. Oh the once and future king.
06. Sleep - I always want more of it. I love it.
07. Friends - You can't see them clearly, but these few people who managed to post on my wall one right after the other are some of the most important people to me. This doesn't exclude everyone else who makes me smile and keeps my head up, no, but it's a sample of some of the best friends in the world. ♥
08. Kim Heechul - I could write an essay on why I love Heechul, but it could all be summed up in one sentence: I love Heechul because he's so unafraid to be himself. All this recent kissing included.
09. Korean barbeque - Really, Asian food in general! I had it last night and it was fantastic. I had hot pot earlier this week too, and it was also amazing and delicious. Asian food is one food I will never, ever tire of.

These are nine things that have made me happy recently, despite a long, long week of new classes and a lot of work and grade anxiety and some unhappiness. There are always things to be grateful for. :)

Aaand, a little bit of camwhoring before I bow out, because I've promised dear_whimsy clothes pictures for ages and ages now.


I, uh, do the pleated skirt look a lot (when I wear skirts, anyway). They're the most fun kind of skirt!

Also, my new red coat and me in new glasses!


I'm attempting to blog this month too, but I don't think I've mastered the art of posting irl about non-fandom things in an interesting way. Posts and comments here may be few and far inbetween, but stay well regardless. Keep warm! (Or cool, depending on where you are.)

pic-spamming, sjm: bringers of all things good, heechul is a pretty pretty princess, needs moar gay, do i ever do anything useful with life?, meme bandwagon

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