Twilight wank makes me happy~

May 16, 2008 13:47

First things first: if you can, please, donate to the American Red Cross to aid relief in China.

Secondly: HERE IS GREENWOOD IS GOING TO BE MADE IN A LIVE-ACTION DRAMA. You guys have no idea how much I love this series. So hard. It is old school and shoujo and about a boys' boarding school and amazing. I hope the drama is as fabulous as the manga and anime. *__* Oh Japan, you do make me happy.

Thirdly, I meant to finish read Ares this morning but was immensely distracted by Twilight wank. Oh the lulz, the lulz. Fandom wank brings me so much entertainment.

Poll time!


If you've answered #1 (Adore It), skip this post. Please. It will offend you and you will hate me. Everyone else is free to indulge in some lol-worthy wank. Be warned that if you've never read it/heard about it/seen examples of its writing, you will leave this post biased (and possibly scarred). I am a bad person, I know. :(

The fandom_wank post is here:

Some choice bits of the wank:

Its such a great story. And Robert is absolutley PERFECT as the sexy vampire Edward Cullen! He really becomes the character i think. The tortured vampire who tries to be good and not kill people and he falls in love with his singer (the person who he wants to kill the most because her blood smells the sweetest). He just does it so well! I think the Twlight series would appeal to most Harry Potter fans who are getting older and looking for a fantasy story thats more mature and a bit sexier. The characters in Twlight are so much more interesting then in Harry Potter, (for example the history of each of the Cullen’s and the way they interact as an adopted family is very sweet and interesting), the relationship between Edward and Bella is extremely intense and addictive hehe. And lets face it, sexy vampires are just way cooler then wizards, no matter which way you look at it hehe.

Ahh, yes.

Did I mention that in this series, the vampires sparkle? Literally. In the sun.

(From here.)

I loled. Sparkly!Edward is kind of amazing. Though some of us were thinking of a different Edward.

And if you want further examples, buttfacemakani read the PDF and reacts:

1. Are.. are you guys serious? 1) This book is huge and I heard otherwise 2) 1st person? Ew. and 3) Seriously?
2. There are so many ways this could not suck, but Meyer manages to make it suck.
3. Squidward!
3a. My favorite part: defender of truth and justice hates your face and has a higher GPA than you, so there!

I have the books in PDF if you want them (here, not my link), but do you really want to subject yourself to this? Though, seriously, guys, I think I love this series a little now, just for the lulz it's provided me. Some of my friends are crazy-obsessed with this book series but I actually hadn't heard of it until (oh irony) someone mentioned it to me at the midnight release of HP7. I've been skeptical of it ever sense because, um, sparkly vampires? I have to confess, I've only skimmed parts of it and read the wank but--

I'll take Pterry's Black Ribboners any day, kthx. Give me The Truth or Going Postal, ooh. Hell, I'll take Robin McKinley's Sunshine. Haven't read it but I've heard good things about it, and her other works are good.

So, lol much? I'm sorry wank makes me laugh. Feel free to think poorly of me. :(

Bonus wank! Gerard Way's ex writes Mary Sue fanfiction about their relationship. World, sometimes you slay me.

Right, I'm totally packing. PACKING FOR CHINA/KOREA IN TWO DAYS OMG. And right when Super Junior is headed to the US. ::facedesk:: My timing, guyz. Well, we'll be in the same country for, like, maybe a day before I leave...

voting time!, omgwtf, various methods of procrastination, who needs self-respect, greenwood needs more love, oh fandom wank, loling forever

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