Flist Appreciation: 0 - K

Dec 25, 2007 10:21

Merry Christmas, everyone. :D

.part 01.
It's the holidays and time to spread love and cheer all around, right? So here is some lovin' for ALL OF YOU.

Yes, every single one. If you're on my flist, I have something to say to you! All 151 (well, minus the double journals and my own, so more like 140 or so) of you: You're awesome. Believe it! :D

0sweet_tart0: From 13 and 16 to 17 and 20. From "violent eyes" and "saihitei" (wow, do you still remember that at all?) to PoT and Rain to real tennis and RPS. From the US to Singapore and back, I always love you. You were my twin for a while, but one of my best friends for life. (And you know this is true because I actually know your Chinese name. I am so bad with people's Chinese names, man. I don't think I even know Steph's.) Ilusm, Jaz.

2naonh3-cl2: You've always been this kind of distant but rabidly intelligent person on my flist. I don't think you use your journal much for fangirling (anymore?) so I feel a little bad about spamming yours with my !!!-filled entries, but I'm still glad that you're here. For the times we've talked, you've been incredibly awesome to talk to.

_branch_: I know you for your meta, oh god, and your site designing! You are such an intelligent and thoughtful fangirl, and I always feel so freakishly immature and silly around you, except that you're always so nice. I really do love your meta, though. And your sporadic comments. They always make me feel so honored, heh.

aaincognito: Oh AA, I miss you so! Your InuKai love and comic made my brightest days in the InuKai fandom. And you were a lovely, lovely friend too. I hope you are doing well now, and that you are taking care!

absenceofmind: I actually knew of you way back when you still wrote PoT fic: yours was one of the few TezuFuji I liked, lots. (Becky recced them!) But then I saw you around on other communities (regarding BL and also SSBB), but now you are one of the many JE fangirls on my flist. I love to see you talk about them even if I have nothing to say. Also, some vague relation the the UPenn Asian a capella group! I have no idea!

aisutennyo: Baby, you are so sweet. You always leave me encouraging, cheerful, wonderful comments. They always make me smile and they make me wish I could be so much more for you. You are smart and dedicated and talented, and don't let life or friends or boys get you down, okay? You are going to make it through and you are going to be so awesome, I know it. You are more full of energy and passion than you realize.

aisutenshi/suxing: My Kimi-chan! My Louise! (I am getting more and more picky about using people's real names, idk.) You are like the light of my life, heh. I will always love fangirling with you, even if our OTPs are aligned slightly differently in SuJu than in previous fandoms. I love that you keymash with me and use caps and crazy heartmarks, so I don't feel like a retard when I throw them all around. I love you, with your immersion in your Chinese heritage, with your ambition to do well, with filial dedication. I think you're wonderful and I hope you will always be my lovely kouhai. ♥

ambiance: I know it was mostly Ouran that brought us together and I know we don't talk much anymore, but I'm still glad to see your entries on my flist. I like your name change (how belated is this comment, right?) and I think you're surprisingly mature (maybe I'm just immature) and also that you are sooo pretty. ::love!::

angstxiety: My best memories of you are tied to Fruits Basket, a fandom that has me a little bitter, haha. But you were always so flattering and nice on all of my (not-so-awesome, looking back) Furuba fics. There was a bit of PoT fandom too, just because almost everyone on my flist has been touched by the PoT craze at some point or other. :) Thank you for leaving me with my few good memories towards Furuba.

aoireeza: Oh Reeza, I love your DBSK fangirling, I do. I thought it was cute even before I got into this crazy Kpop fandom, and I love that you write for it, because writing is good for the soul. I also love your Hyoutei love (though that may be in the past now), and I remember that lovely, lovely ShishiTori layout you made me. You are sweet and generous and emotional and invested and wonderful. Please continue fangirling!

arccie/arctic_dragon: Arccie, I still love your fics. I know you don't write much anymore, with the constraints of life, but I just want you to know, since that's how we met: through your FujiRyo fic. I am so glad for that. You are a generous soul, funny, and so thoughtful as to always come back and check up on people after it's been so long. I miss talking to you more but I'm grateful for the few times we do get to exchange comments. I hope you're taking care in real life. ::hugs::

asuki: FujiRyo! Naruto! Gravitation! I have random memories associated with you, but a lot of them came from the FujiRyo Buttfucking Revolution. :) You are talented in words, you know. It's been awhile, but seeing your username always brings back fond memories of the good Thrill Pair times.

athruin: Sushi, I don't think you even post. I don't think you'll ever see this, but just in case: I wish I could meet you IRL. I also think you and Michael would be a cute couple (possibly because I don't know any of the other girls my otouto-chan knows or is vaguely interested in, haha), but you may disagree. But continue being a good friend to him! 加油 and all that! You will graduate soon.

athyestean: We have so much in common and yet I still don't know you well! It's quite tragic. What I do know, though, makes me think you're pretty awesome and worth talking to. You haven't been around in a while though--the last time we really talked was about PotC. I hope you're doing well!

beckerbell/crowdedthoughts/tomomichi: BECKY. Oh Becky, it has been ages, did you know? We've been through so many fandom changes together, back when we talked about GW and PoT and whatever else. Now it's all about 3D pretty boys, and it's so shameful but it's so awesome. (And HanaKimi has always been there. I will always, always think of you in relation to HanaKimi.) I love your gigantic crush on all of ARASHI. I love your wailing about being dragged into more and more fandoms, because I know you will have fun in them and love them, in your own ways, even if it turns out full of stupid bitches or crappy writers. There is always something. I love your enthusiasm and your recs (your recs were how I first knew you) and your shameful delight in wank, because I share it too. :) You are so awesome, for serious. (Also, your HanaKimi fics deserve a mention too. Love.)

biggersandwich: You! No matter what fandoms we've been in together (probably PoT, everyone was PoT for me), you remain The Girl On My Flist Who Fangirls Bruno & Boots. Oh, I know other people on my flist do too, but you stand out the most (probably because you actually comment on the fics, haha). But it makes me so, so happy. I'm so glad someone else loves them and that you do and that there can be general "the world is crumbling around us" joy. (Oh yes, your icon!)

blizzard4526: Oh, bb, there is so much to love on. I did an informal post a few months back and saw that my flist was split roughly 50/50 when it came to those older than me and those younger than me. You're younger and it shows sometimes, but only in good ways. Your icons are lovely (especially the stock ones) and your enthusiasm and your love for Korean boys because there are not enough wonderful sane people in the world to love Korean boys with me. I don't need the batshit insane DBSK or SuJu or Big Bang fandoms! I just need the people on my flist who are cute and happy and excited with me. (And also willing to be pimped a million things, heh.) Thanks for being a Kpop fangirl buddy.

bloodylily: My Lils! Did you know you were the reason I got an LJ in the first place, all the way back in September 2004? The better to stalk your Spontaneity updates. I can't believe it's been so long. I miss talking to you, though it's really more my fault than yours for falling out of touch. You are a talented girl, though, and I think of you sometimes and wish you all the happiness in the world. I really thought you were my age for the longest time, but you're a year younger. It's just--yeah. You're a part of my past that always makes me smile. Be well.

bobrhyn: I have the memory of Swiss cheese, I swear to God, but I think there was some Supernatural fangirling involved here. PoT, yes, but...well, at least I know Heroes for sure. Petrellicest was win, and you recced me that hot Nathan/Peter/Claire fic that still burns holes in my mind because alskdjflsWHY I don't ship this at all and yet I kind of do. For a long time in PoT fandom, you intimidated me with your intelligent fangirling. I still count myself lucky to be on your flist! (Especially as my Kpop phase brings out the most immature in me...and looks to be more than a phase.)

bookshop: Aja, you are a BNF and you know it. But more than that you were always accessible to talk to, despite what people said. We may not have agreed about PoT OTPs, but moving past that: there was H/D and there was Hikago. I'm so excited for Big Bang Baby, End Game! ♥ It will be so fantastic. Also, Japanese boys? I feel like at least half my flist has been exposed to Japanese boys, so this is a fairly good assumption, heh. The gay, we should all enjoy it.

buta_chan: I'm always surprised at people on my flist turning out to be younger than me, especially when they tend to be so intelligent. You always were. It was lovely whenever I got a chance to talk to you, though it's been a while. I hope you're doing well!

butterflycages: Ah, one of Cyn's. I know from where I accumulate some friends. ;D You are so good at the art, let me tell you. The Naruto art and the Reborn art, ugh. I am so jealous of your talent. You're brilliant and I would love to get to know you better, because anyone Cyn loves has to be pretty awesome.

caffeinic: Your Dee is not the only reason I love you, but it plays a big part, heh. Nah, I'm just kidding. I feel like I know you just because you are so open about sharing on your journal, and I feel privileged to be on your flist. I think you're really strong for all that you've been through and all that you deal with. I like to see you happy and fangirling best though. Please take care!

ch_ar_me: You make me happy with your Legal Drug fangirling (why does no one else fangirl LD with me?) and your Tuti/Nagayan fangirling and how you have been lured into Kpop fandom with me, ohohoh. I mean, what. Heh. No, really, your fangirling is cute and contagious and happy-making. Also, you make me feel like my recs/pimping are slightly appreciated and not just me being a totally rabid insane fangirl. Which I, uh, try to avoid being. Mostly. Um. Thank you for keeping me sane! :D

chibipuck: Again with people it's been so long for...but thank you for being there during my awesome PoT days and after. We share so many fandoms, wow. I hope we get to talk more!

childishgrin: Slam Dunk! Yamane Ayano! I know you wrote RuHana fic and that you make awesome BL-themed icons, and I don't know where you've been recently. I am so bad with keeping track of people, but you always did make me smile, so thank you. I hope you're doing well, whatever you're doing!

crunchy_salad: Your AtoMo is an epic memory in my mind and I will never not love that pairing because of you. Your writing was fantastic and the AtoMo in particular always made me so, so happy. Thank you for that fantastic experience in my overall PoT fangirling.

danii06/lady_androgene: Mistress #3! You are strong and beautiful and I love you so much. I can't believe we met with FujiRyo because it seems like it should go back further than that. I love your love for Eiji/Momo, for your boyfriend, for your two wives and the extended family--your care is obvious in your comments, which are always appreciated and treasured no matter how belated they may be. Honestly, Danii, you make me so glad to know you. Thank you for Impulse and more importantly, for the friendship after that.

darkeyedwolf: Wolfie, I almost regret the day I introduced you to w-inds., thus sparking this mad spiral downwards into the Gay Of Japan. Yet, I can't, because it makes me laugh too much to see you so flaily and excited about whatever your new love of the week is. (The best part is that your love for the past weeks never goes away.) Your excitement and fangirling makes me :D at my flist, so please continue. You are awesome, you know it. Also, thank you for the FujiRyo is Totally Buttfucking Revolution, one of the best moments in FujiRyo fandom ever.

dr3ams: You have always been so sweet every time I've talked to you, so thank you! I don't know where in fandom you are anymore but I hope you're having fun there!

efio_47: My Angela, my roomie, my best friend, my dancing partner, my one witness to all my retarded antics in the apartment. Ilu. I could write you pages and one day I should (again), but to keep this brief: You have been there, through so much. Through cell groups and church potlucks and the Era of Tim (which may never end, good lord), through life at UNC, trips to Myrtle Beach, through boys and KDPhi and my obsessions through the years. You are so smart, so talented, I would envy you so much if I didn't admire you more--alskfjdl crazy science major that you are. Ilusm you have no idea. Let's dance more to Youtube and go on a roadtrip someday. ♥ Before my graduation? Let's do it for sure.

emcyclopedia: EMICAKES. I will always be your tea, and I will always want to see you happy rather than unhappy. I want you to take care of yourself, to not be sick or upset, even when the world fucking sucks. You are perverted and sometimes insecure and angry and happy and capslock full and I love every bit of you, I do. I want you to grow up happy, my bb.

emeraldcrystal: Another awesome fangirl, heh. You are so fun to talk to, especially about DBSK and SuJu and, why, no, I am not obsessed. Not at all. You are fabulous, believe it, so please continue to be so!

epigrammist: Oh MinaJun, FujiRyo, Tenimyu...it's mostly PoT I associate with you, from fangirling Katou Kazuki to the chibi!Ryoma icon. There was also Hikago and Blind Go in the mix somewhere. You have always been wonderful to talk to on the occasions that we do. You are also a much better writer than you might think! Keep writing. :)

evercool: I think I knew you first through a LOVELESS AMV you made. Since then it's been more LOVELESS and Naruto and then there was a moment of Reborn, heh. Oh, and Tsubasa! I really love your AMVs and your fanart is very, very nice too. You are so generous, sharing doujinshi and manga downloads--and also talented with all the icon-making and fanart. You're also considerate, making sure to wish people birthdays. I...fail extremely at that. Please continue to be awesome.

exwaiz: I miss you, Mistress #2. I was so excited at the small email-exchange we had a few weeks (months? oh my god) back. I need to pester you more. It really has been too long since we've talked properly. But I will always love you! You and your FujiRyo, your love for Suwabe Junichi's voice, Supernatural... I am so out of the loop now, but I hope life has been treating you well. I need to go pile love on you now.

fairymage: Fairy, baby, are you still alive? I hope you're doing all right. It was Ouran that brought us together and I will still remember those crazy Kyouya/Tamaki chats with a laugh. The scandalous ficbits and the random shouting and the numerous plot-bunnies they spawned. Those were the times. :D

firedraygon97: Ren! Oh Ren, you are all sorts of things to me. You are hockey love and FujiRyo love and Death Note and Ouran and Advent Children. You are crazy science major and teaching kids and Africa and a wonderful friend and fellow fangirl. You are, pretty much, an amazing person. You've been busy and stressed lately (but haven't we all been?) but now you're free! Relax! Take care! Be well! I want to catch up sometime.

flaming_icicles: It's your Christmas cards that make me die a little inside. They are so creative and so personal. Did I ever thank you for this year's? THANK YOU SO MUCH. It made me smile so much. I loved it and the cranes. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are a fabulous person and also loud and flaily, which I can totally appreciate. ;D For reals.

flyby311: Sadly, another person on the flist I do not know well enough! Please, I'd love to get to know you better. :) But be well and have a happy holiday in the meantime!

forgetangel: ALSKJFLSDKSL TEUKIE BABY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH FOREVER. HOWEVER MESSED UP YOU MIGHT BE. FOREVER AND EVER LOVE. AMEN. (Linn, Sy, A+ to infinity squared for this journal asdkfjd yes.)

forochel: Stalker-chan, I have no words for how much I love you. I've tried before, so I hope you have some vague idea of the gigantic amounts of love I have for you. It's really huge. Like, wider and bigger than I can express. For all sorts of reasons, which are too long to list here, but some of them include: Chinese, your love for you class, random obsessions, capslock fangirling, putting up with me, being young and still awesome. ♥ forever.

fuminshou_neko: Dude, I am so jealous of you for getting to beta, Bry. ;D But moving outside of my current fandom fixations, I really think you're awesome and fun to talk to, and I want to make more of an effort to get to know you better. I'm glad Sapphy introduced us because we really do have lots of things in common, so I hope that helps build something more than just fangirling over Korean boys! ♥

furiosity: Um, you're not going to read this, but you're awesome. Your writing and your cat macros and your HP meta and just, yeah, everything. Thanks for being fabulous and talented on my flist! I like it.

fussybishounen/life_of_eden: I miss you, Eden, but I hope you're still kicking. Still drawing. Still being awesome that way. :) It's...a lot I can't put into words, because I'm retarded that way, but you were an integral part of my PoT experience and my first JE experience. So thank you for that, and for being a friend.

fyretoppaaa: You recently changed your username, didn't you? alkdjflsk I was all: WHO IS THIS PERSON and it made me upset. But now I know and that makes me :D because you are a person who makes me :D. You are cute and giggly and fun and cool for being on my flist. I am glad I know you. :D

ghostdrive: You liked Big Bang's Dirty Cash, therefore you are gold in my book. You are also cooler than I am. Or you seem that way to me. :) I would love to get to know you better.

goldie: I think you are made of wonderful, from being friendly to generous. You are a great friend, an excited fangirl, and you are so cute when you talk about your husband or house chores. I love seeing you excited about PoT or meeting people and I know you are so generous with the doujinshi scanlation. You have also been incredibly sweet and friendly whenever I've talked to you, so that leaves a giant scrolling "Awesome Person" impression in my mind. I always feel honored to be on your flist.

gossymer: Ahh, Glacia, you are so fantastic. Your coding skills leave me staring in confusion and awe. Your H/D directory is the shit. You are so fun to talk to about H/D and that book you recced (Hero by Perry Moore) is amazing, now that I have finally read it. I'm reccing it all over the place now too. Your excitement about James/Scorpius is cute and contagious and, just, gah. I don't know. I will make an endeavor to stay in touch with HP fandom (like I could ever leave it) because then I will get to talk to you more!

haverstock: Your love of Tyki/Allen (and your spam of it) makes me giggle and makes me happy. You are such an excited fangirl, I love it. Keep it up. DGM needs all the sane, awesome fangirls it can get.

higherskies: I don't even know what to write about when it comes to you. You've just been--there and fabulous and there. You are a wonderful fangirl and always even more wonderful to talk to. TY for reading my not-so-awesome fics back when I wrote not-so-aweseome fics (though my fics now are still not-that-awesome, haha), and for sticking around through my ridiculous fandom changes.

hikaruchi: Oh w-inds., it was such a good time. You were so good to know then, so smart and nice and I wish we hadn't fallen out of touch. I hope you are doing well! I know your life hasn't been easy recently, and I wish you all the best. Please do things that will make you smile, okay? ♥

hostilecrayon: It was Hikago and GW with you, I remember very clearly. :) I had some fantastic times talking to you about both fandoms, so thank you for those! I hope whatever fandom you're in now makes you as happy as my retarded dancing Korean boy band fandoms make me now. Everyone needs that kind of happy in their lives.

icemint: We've been out of touch (because I am made of fail!) but you've always been so kind as to leave comments on my fics (mostly Furuba and PoT, I think, because everyone was PoT). Thank you for those. Thank you for keeping me on your flist!

idly: I am so bad with name changes, really. I know you posted about it and I know I read the entry about when you were picking new usernames, but I still had to fight my memory for the longest time to remember. But--success--nisou! Sometimes my memory is not so awful. Heh. But you've always impressed me with being--I don't know, you give off this aura of being a smart fangirl who laughs at the batshit insane. I like that. It also makes me grateful you've not kicked me off your flist yet. ;) You definitely don't strike me as being younger than me, so that weirds me out. Um, but that happens to me all the time, haha.

ii_hanashi: I don't know if I've ever said, but I really adore your username. And also, you! You were one of those people who intimidated me a little bit at first because you knew the people to know in fandom, and you were so intelligent, even when you fangirled. Smart people cannot hide their smartness even when they are keymashing about stuff.

ilanabean42: Oh, the JE took you over, it did. But I can't complain because it makes you happy and I know it's given you some awesome friends. I think fandom is good for that, for happy moments and for new, awesome relationships. I hope you aren't too stressed out by life and that fandom continues to give you happy moments. ♥

incandescence/thimbleful: Oh, my neglected daughter-in-law, how is it I am so bad at being a proper mommy? I need to catch up with you. I hope you are well! I love you! I miss you! You are so sweet and so not younger than me, but still my daughter-in-law.

issen4: Your involvement in the Hikago fandom makes me just look on with awe. Also, your writing and your recs and your (occasional) meta. Your posts always make me go, "Oh, Hikago, I kind of fail at that fandom, don't I?" Haha. But, still, they make me smile. I'm glad for them. I'm also glad for our mutual Maya-fangirling!

jennifier_d/risquedreams/tea_garden: MOMMY DEAREST, I am so tragically out of the loop when it comes to you, for which I am so, so sorry. I wish you all the best in the world, though. You have made so much of my fandom experience, because integral to my fandom experience was PoT, and you--well, you were that for me. You were FujiRyo and you were amazing. And after that you were w-inds. for me. Oh Jenn, you were so amazing. I really hope you're doing well. (Still writing at least, thankfully. I am not in Reborn--god was that a brief fling--but I hope it is making you smile.)

juicybo0: We haven't talked much but I remember you being enthusiastic and sweet. :) Thanks for keeping me around on your flist, whatever your current fandom is!

kagayachou: Another relic of the Ouran times! Heh, well, Kyouya/Tamaki is true love even after all this time. Thanks for the great chat memories. You were fun and your writing is likewise!

kasugai_gummie/kirui: MY CYN, MY FIRST MISTRESS! You're not going to see this for a bit, since you're off in Wisconsin, but please return to it. My love for you knows no bounds, for your crazy art skills and writing skills (seriously, I love your writing, like you have no idea), and your pimping and your dying from your pre-med track. Well, I wish you weren't, and I still think you're crazy, but I admire you for it so much. I love you for loving me anyway, for your handwriting (okay, this is random, I know), for your insane summer schedules. I love you for totally becoming a Super Junior fan, whether or not you will admit to this shame, because it makes me laugh and also because it makes me so happy. FINISH THAT MOVIE, OKAY? But, you know, I love you even if you won't admit to liking Kpop boys. It's okay. ♥

katharos_8: I have no idea how I ended up on your flist because you are so much more awesome than I am. And your writing! Oh, I love your Tsubasa fics to little pieces. You are crazy talented and I am flattered to know you at all!

kiizu: You're into the J-rock nowadays, which is obviously not where I am, but I still love to see people fangirl their fandoms. Also, your Japanese is awesome. I admire you a lot for little things like that--plus you are a generally awesome person. By the way! You've heard the news about KomaHoshi, right? It's so happy-making~

kitsune_jade: You remind me of Hikago fandom and Blind Go, for which I'm glad. There were lovely memories involved there. We haven't talked that much but from when we have, you've always left me with a :) impression.

koneko_desu: The thing I admire most about you? Your passion for current events or causes. I swear, no one else on the flist stays as politically or socially aware as you do. We tend to use our journals for fangirling, which is perfectly okay, but it makes your journal stand out--and I like it. I like that you care. You're a passionate person and I think that's really awesome. Thank you for being, well, you. And also the Tenimyu fangirling and other stuff, that's cool too, heh.

kyouten: I know my initial impression was "HOLY SHIT WHY SO YOUNG"--thankfully, I'm less inclined to feel that way now. It's true you're younger than me (and will always be, haha) but you're so much more than just a number. Your writing really is very good and I hope you continue to write and write because your first two FujiRyo? Still in my top favorites in all of fandom. And--well, obviously, we are in different fandoms now, but I'm still glad whenever I see you post on my flist (though I suck at commeting, ugh, fact of life). Thanks for keeping me around too.

[ part 02: L-Z]

i love everyone, the holiday season is fabulous

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