I've figured out how to download videos from
Daum. HAH. It only took me three hours trawling the net and forums where people would convert files for you but not tell you how. Who needs you? I've figured it out on my own!
The point is, guys. That
this video? The one that streams from Korea and thus takes about THREE HOURS to load? But the one that you know you are all dying to see because it is a Teukie fancam that has KangTeuk in it (so much love, I promise you)? Yeah, that video has been downloaded by yours truly and re-upped to the wonderful place known as Youtube. ♥
Disclaimer: This is only the first 47 seconds of the video, because Korean internet hates me and won't let me download the complete file. Nonetheless! The important bit is here to see (i.e., the KangTeuk bit). I'll work on getting the rest of the video because, wow, so much Teukie love.
Click to view
In slightly related SuJu news...I was plagiarized.
"How is that possible," you might ask. "You haven't even written SuJu fic, Mei. (Don't try to delude yourself.)"
Ah, you're right! What actually happened was me going through the
miracle______ memories, when I stumbled across
THIS FIC. You should read it. It's pretty awesome. It might even remind you of
THIS FIC, if you've read my Digimon fics (I write Digimon fics? My God, it's been years).
Anything strike you as familiar? Oh, perhaps the entirety of the fic save the names and about three words and the ending?
Oh the fic, it was so bad. You'll have to forgive me. It was written in 2004. I was young and stupid and. Well.
What I don't get is why this girl would sub in Heechul and Hankyung. The fic is all wrong for Cinderella's personality. Why not use, say, Donghae? At least he's generally characterized to be a rambly spacecase. (OT: Have you all seen the
talk on PKL's Wonderful Outing? BABY, don't cry, I want to give you such a big hug, omfg.)
Seriously, when I found out, I sat in stunned amazement for about five minutes. I mean, Super Junior and Digimon. Could any two fandoms be more different? What were the chances of me ever even getting into SuJu, much less stumbling across this fic? SO CRAZY, and yet so awesome. I am weirded out and kind of flattered but mostly weirded out by this.
My brain, it breaks. D: