So more thoughts on Deathly Hallows, 'cause I can! I've fallen hard for the HP fandom all over again, thank you Book 7 and all the ensuing fic! :D :D :D
★ Some reactions to DH I found interesting with interesting points to plot holes or characterizations I A) didn't mention, B) agree with, or C) both:
Here by
marksykinsHere by
furiosityHere by
furiosity (ch1-12)
Here by
0sweet_tart0Here by
mistful And mine is
here if you missed it and are interested.
★ Then these are some very interesting and thought-provoking (and true, IMO) comments on That Thing That Wasn't (aka the Epilogue):
Here by
furiosity, which also talks about how fandom incorporates canon into fic. Comments are A+.
Here by
_branch_, which contains discussion on how JKR totally screwed herself over with the epilogue.
★ And of course I have been reading fic like the devoted fangirl I am! Ready for some awesome post-DH fic? Yes, yes, you totally are.
Indomitable by
furiositypairing(s): Harry/Draco, Harry/Ginny, maybe AS/S preslash
rating: Light R
summary: Nineteen years later, life goes on.
thoughts: This is the newest of all the fics I've recced and The One I've Been Waiting For since finishing DH. This is the canon-compliant H/D, believable and a touch sad but so wonderful. This is a must-read for any H/D fan.
we held gold dust in our hands [
2] by
otempora01pairing(s): AS/S
rating: Hard R
summary: His father warned him to stay away from anyone named Potter, but telling Scorpius to stay away from Albus Severus is like telling peanut butter to stay away from the roof of your mouth: useless and pretty damn impossible.
thoughts: The serious, lengthy (12K) AS/S fic we new shippers have been waiting for. The story that covers all seven years and so many aspects of a new relationship that is not a rehash of H/D. It's very, very lovely.
The Rules of Being a Godson [
2] [
3] by
copperbadgepairing(s): Teddy/James, mentions of Teddy/Victoire
rating: PG-13
summary: Teddy Lupin never gets too close or feels too much; his godfather's son never does anything else.
thoughts: I never expected to ship this until
wakkawoo recced me this! It's so cute and well-written (with adorable illustrations) that it won me over completely. I love Teddy/Victoire, but I think I can love me some Teddy/James too. Beautiful continuation of canon and far more interesting details than JKR would think to write, IMO.
Bonding Under Stress by
xenophiliuspairing(s): AS/S preslash, implied H/D, possible (unrequited?) Ginny/Pansy/Goyle
rating: PG-13
summary: Albus and Scorpius find themselves unexpectedly bonding in the face of toe curling parental-induced embarrassment.
thoughts: The first post-DH fic I read and, god, so hilarious. So funny, so wrong, and yet so right! Short little piece of perfect awesomeness. :D
Letters Home by
ms_semicolonpairing(s): AS/S
rating: PG
summary: Albus writes his parents from Hogwarts.
thoughts: Epistolary style. I like Al's letters a lot, especially the way he reveals sibling rivalry and Scorpius' importance to him. The constant begging for sweets was a nice touch, especially as we see the tone of his letters mature with the years. It's more of a teaser than anything else, because I want details and full fic for everything mentioned in the letters, haha.
Spot of Bad Luck by
confiteor_3pairing(s): H/D, AS/S preslash, mentions of others
rating: PG
summary: Trouble has come back into Harry's life, thanks to who his son's best boy friend is.
thoughts: It made me "bwuh?" a little because Harry's reaction is not what I would have pictured to her otherwise very canon-like fic. I actually liked Ginny in this too! Still v. cute though and v. enjoyable. Oh H/D, you will always be first true love!
Harry Potter and the Origami Soul [
2] [
3] [
4] [
5] [
6] [
7] [
8] by
ms_semicolon (or
pairing(s): H/D
rating: R overall
summary: After the war, a different Harry and a different Draco erase six years of antagonism.
thoughts: Directly post-DH. This fic is shockingly well-written for something she produces so quickly. The style is beautiful, if a bit distant (I would adore more dialogue), but with very believable characterization and great pacing. And I thought I couldn't adore Narcissa more than I already do, but I can. Oh, I can.
Untitled by
efio_47pairing(s): AS/S preslash
rating: PG
summary: If the Ravenclaws must test their intelligence to enter their common room, shouldn't the Gryffindors have to test their courage to enter theirs?
thoughts: Comment-drabble in response to some snarking about DH. Made me SO giggly.
Untitled by
0sweet_tart0pairing(s): H/D, mentions of Grindelwald/Dumbledore
rating: PG
summary: No one questions Hermione. Not even Harry.
thoughts: More comment-fic! More snarking about the Elder Wand and how Hermione was the only smart one of the Trio. I adore this little drabblet alksdjflk. DH should've gone this way!!
Untitled by
xparrotpairing(s): none; gen
rating: PG
summary: George finds out that his twin's dead.
thoughts: CRYING. CRYING. This is the fic I needed after Fred's death. This makes it better. BUT STILL. THE CRYING. It will not stop. Everyone who went "NOOO" at Fred's death should read this. Please. ♥
The Road Less Travelled [
2] [
3] [
4] [
5] [
6] [
7] [
8] [
9] [
10] by
scoradhpairing(s): future AS/S
rating: PG-13
summary: "Not Gryffindor," whispered Albus, "please."
thoughts: This is the Hufflepuff!Albus fic I've been waiting for! It has a Dursley at Hogwarts! It is ridiculously shiny and well-written and you should all read it. I can't wait for the next chapter, oh Lord, how next-gen fic has me all over WsIP now. It's kind of ridiculous.
His Namesake by
analyticallypairing(s): Teddy/Victoire
rating: PG-13
summary: He doesn’t know if he’s different because he lacks parents, but it’s during his first Christmas hols back from school that he learns that his namesake was a Ravenclaw, too. Teddy, quite naturally, can’t be more pleased.
thoughts: The Teddy/Victoire fic I've been looking for! Apparently there's now a comm for them but I don't want to over-indulge. This is just fine for now. Very cute and spans quite a lot of time; a bit sparse and could be fleshed out into a wonderful multi-chapter, but I like this how it is too. :)
After the Afterlife by
wyverna_blackpairing(s): Remus/Sirius, mentions of Remus/Tonks
rating: PG-13
summary: The bit in between where Remus dies, and where they magically reappear to Harry.
thoughts: I know I've been whining for afterlife stories, so here's one! Quite liked it, though I'd like one with an even more drawn-out, detailed reunion. (I'd have liked to see James too, eventually.) But aww, R/S fix for the night. I'm happy.
Hallowing Lions by
wired_lizardpairing(s): Grindelwald/Dumbledore
rating: hard R
summary: Albus has a particular way of pronouncing things interesting, Gellert has noticed, reserved for the oldest lore and the most complicated Dark Arts, and, apparently now, Transfigured armchairs.
thoughts: Who was saying they wanted Grindeldore again? Yes, yes, half the flist, at lease. And they are now here, all young and pretty and with smut! I liiike.
missing you by
otempora01pairing(s): AS/S, mentions of T/V
rating: PG
summary: Scorpius finds an ally in the family
thoughts: A bit of seriousness, a touch of fluff, and then the hilarity. Oh Potter-Weasley family, you're insane. Thank goodness for all that is Rose.
What Really Happened, or How Voldemort Learned to Stop Worrying and Start Loving the Fandom by
violet_quillpairing(s): Voldemort-centric
rating: PG-13
summary: LJ is down, shortly after a certain book release... surely this is not a coincidence.
thoughts: AHAHAHA. Crackfic at its best. LJ + HP = OTP?
The Sorting Hat is Evil by
bernie_laraemiepairing(s): AS/S
rating: PG
summary: Hilarity ensues when the Sorting Hat plumbs to its darkest evils!
thoughts: Yes, this is some fine AS/S crack. ::snicker:: You know half the fun in the pairing's the awful puns, right?
DH-Compliant Drabbles by
ms_semicolonpairing(s): various
rating: PG-13
summary: HP character + one-word prompts
thoughts: Pretty much all of these made me cry. My favorites are mine, Luna-tears, George-future, Draco-smile, and Seamus-polkadots... Jeezus, I love them all, okay? ;____;
A Compilation of Things that Scorpius Malfoy and Albus Severus Potter Have in Common, and Some Things that They Don't by
moonythestralspairing(s): AS/S
rating: PG-13
summary: Then they yanked their bed hangings closed, at the same time, and refused to speak to each other for the rest of the evening, even though it was only eight and they still had an orientation word hunt in the library.
thoughts: Kyle never, ever disappoints with her fics. I actually wasn't expecting her to write fic so it was even better to discover that she had, because OH MY GOD THE HUMOR. AS/S at its hilarious best. I love it, I love her, I love the father business and the filthy Muggle-invention fixation. The only negative thing I can say about this fic is that it makes me think I will never attempt to write AS/S for myself, haha.
drinking coffee or reading lies by
otempora01pairing(s): AS/S, Teddy/James
rating: soft R
summary: It takes Al five days to get up the courage to even approach Scorpius Malfoy, let alone ask him out. If Scorpius hadn’t made the first move, it’s likely he’d still be trying.
thoughts: This is not my favorite AS/S fic ever because one of the first things that struck me about it was how very H/D it seemed. Albus and Severus seemed a rehash of their fathers, only Albus was touch more uke-fied (in all blushing, stammering manners of the word) than Harry had been. (The Parkinson thing was really what annoyed me most.) I ended up reccing it because overall it is still leaps and bounds above a lot of AS/S fics, and it is appreciably long (10K). There are also some very lovely, funny moments. I love the other kids a lot in this but James especially. Oh James!
Ouroboros by
tkppairing(s): epilogue canon
rating: PG-13
summary: The DH epilogue with a different kind of hindsight.
thoughts: It's a chilling fic. The epilogue viewed from a different haze from what JKR intended, I'm sure, reflecting how very cyclical and downright creepy her story is without us realizing. Much darker than the original epilogue and infinitely more satisfying, I think, especially in light of what
_branch_ brings up (meta recced above) about how the hate and discrimination in the wizarding world has not faded at all. (Thanks to
emeraldycrystal for the rec.)
The Hawthorn Wand by
scrtkprpairing(s): pre-Harry/Draco
rating: PG
summary: Draco has issues.
thoughts: Wandlore! And the easing into future H/D! This fic is sparse but beautiful and ties up a loose end JKR probably never thought to address. I love Draco, love him, love him, love him. And you will never be able to make me stop. :D
you always hurt the ones you love by
otempora01pairing(s): Teddy/James, some AS/S, Teddy/Victoire
rating: PG
summary: Just because James couldn’t have him didn’t mean that Victoire could.
thoughts: ...this? This is currently my favorite next gen fic. I think I might love this Teddy/James fic more than the one by
copperbadge. Yes, really. It's--the characterizations are amazing, perfect, spot-on. The beginning was solid, the time-skips didn't skip too much, the ending was hilarious beyond words. I was in absolute stitches. The third generation kids shine in this--I love them all, from Teddy & James to Victoire, Al, Lily. ♥ I have endlesss amounts of love for this fic. Everyone should read it.
The Perks of Being a Prefect by
meitachipairing(s): pre-James/Scorpius
rating: PG
summary: James gets a kick out of his Prefect duties.
thoughts: I hate to self-pimp, but since it's practically the only thing I've written in months (and years for HP. Lord, there is a reason I don't write for Hp), I thought I would. Plus, new-ish pairing! For
lb_x and
What Really Happened 2.0, or How Aziraphale Learned to Stop Worrying and Start Loving the Porn by
violet_quillpairing(s): gen
rating: PG
summary: What, you didn't really think that LJ could be this stupid on their OWN did you? Come on.
thoughts: Clearly, this is the only explanation for Boldthrough07. I adore Crowley and Aziraphale and the footnotes are hilarious, even if they are a pain to scroll down and read. Now I want more GO slash!
Twenty Years Later, Or The Kids Are All Right by
mistfulpairing(s): gen
rating: PG
summary: Coda to Deathly Hallows' epilogue, featuring Harry, Draco, Al, and Al's best friend Scorpius Malfoy.
thoughts: I HAVE BEEN WAITING SINCE DH FOR THIS FIC. Seriously. Mayafic. It's what I live for. Wonderfully characterized, with Al and Scorpius being completely lovable, and a great Harry and Draco on top of that. There's a fabulous premise and great backstory and some very, very Classic Maya™ funny lines, and just--eeeeee ♥.
There are more fics
in my memories that I haven't recced. The list is sure to grow as more people finish the book and turn to writing. :D I do so adore fandom.
The Literal AS/S Hat My Dad Said... More in memories. :)
hp_tng: A comm for anything and everything to do with HP's next generation. Fic for any pairing (like Teddy/Victoire), go!
the_ass_ship: For all your AS/S needs. So large and prolific already!
teddyjames: Because That Story has turned us all into TL/JP fans!
grindeldore: New and small, with no fics that I can see so far, but if you'd like to keep an eye on it...
t_r_lupin: Even smaller, but for all the Teddy Lupin fans!
★ While reading all these shiny new post-DH fics, I started thinking about one of the new pairings offered to us by canon.
I think a large percentage of AS/S fans are probably also Harry/Draco fans. In fact, probably most of them, as they see it as a whole new realm of Potter/Malfoy shipping made available to us even as Harry got tied up with Ginny and children. There's a vaguely "Romeo & Juliet" feel to it, with the Potter/Weasley and Malfoy families at odds with each other. Oh antagonism!
But I think the best part of AS/S, and next-generation shipping in general, is that JKR gave us nothing except the kids' names, ages, and parents (and a few of their houses). So much is open to interpretation! You can put Albus in Gryffindor and Scorpius in Slytherin if you want a new version of school-age H/D. Or you can switch it up and put Albus in Slytherin and Scorpius in Gryffindor. Or my personal favorite: both in Slytherin and BFF! Hee, I just like a change of pace. I've got H/D for the rivalshipping; I kind of want some best-friend-turned-lover for AS/S. I think it's cute.
(Though I still want to see a Hufflepuff!Albus fic. It would amuse me to no end.)
There is so much fandom can do with the AS/S pairing. Hook them up as best friends, or rivals, or have them getting it on with girls before realizing feelings for each other. They can force supremely awkward situations onto their families by demanding holidays together or work together with great hijinks and hilarity to bring about H/D (<-- I want that fic so, so badly). They can discover the past, go off on new adventures, deal with the Potter siblings and Weasley extended family, MOURN FRED, or confound their parents with their relationship. And there is also, of course, the classic PWP. Heh. God, I get excited just thinking about it.
But, oh next-gen fic! You are so full of possibilities. Characterization, along with houses, is all up to the author. Al can act like Harry, but he doesn't have to be a carbon copy. He does have the infamous Weasley temper running in his genes, after all. And Scorpius doesn't have to be stiff, cold, and arrogant either. I'm sure Draco's changed some, and we know nothing of his wife except that she is dark-haired. She could have had quite a hand in molding little Scorpius.
There's also all the possibilities of names for familiar characters--offspring of the Finnegans or Longbottoms or Notts. And so much fun can be had with the parent pairings! Neville/Luna or Dean/Luna? What jobs do our favorite characters hold (even Harry, Draco, Ginny--we know nothing about what they do now)? Who else has died and how has the Ministry or wizarding world changed? Is Hogwarts run any differently now than from when Harry was in school? Is McGonagall and co. still around or do we have new professors, some brand-new and some who attended Hogwarts?
Honestly, it's like getting to write your own OCs into HP-verse and not getting bitched out about it. The potential for creativity is endless, the possibilities stretch to the sky. Even I've been tempted to write fic, and I haven't written for HP since I was a fifteen-year-old fantwit. I try not to think about that time.
I love HP fandom. I love how new canon = new fics, new pairings, new possibilities. I love the new twists to an old ship (H/D) and the old twists on a new ship (AS/S). And then the brilliance of ships that resemble nothing before it: Teddy/James! I never expected to fall in love with it but now I want more, more, more!
So, in conclusion: please write fic! And rec me any AS/S or Harry/Draco or Teddy/James that you adore. (Oh, oh, or Remus/Sirius! I'm absolutely certain it exists even post-DH.) I'm also looking for some Teddy/Victoire because I think it's cute and I love Victoire solely because I love her parents. It works out, I think. :D