Title: Conceptions of the Self -
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Mei's Fanfic Master ListFIC Summary: [2007, AU] Sore throats, nightmares, and the differences between organics and Cybertronians - something is terribly wrong with Sam. To live is to evolve, and shape alone is not enough; think of it as a mutual learning experience. (Bot!Sam, Mech/mech)
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The thing about Judy having been part of S7 suprised THE HELL OUT OF ME! I have to admit that O_o
But YAY for intermissions ;-)
But it does explain Sam's whole "OMF~G ANGST!" thing with him forgetting telling his parents what was happening, does it not? :B
It's just something to tide me over until I finish the next chapter. Difficult robots are being difficult and trying to send Sam away so that the Adults Can Discuss It.
Yeah, you mentioned the next chapter 'was killing you'. *hugs and sends good karma*
"...trying to send Sam away so that the Adults Can Discuss It." --> Hope it means what I think it means. I'm REALLY curios and want to see Sam's companions discuss Sam.
Sidesweipe's P.O.V did give us an insight (brilliant, btw) into his thougths, but it'll be interesting to hear others opinions also :-)
Well, considering that how I have it set up, they could discuss Sam while he was sitting right there and he'd never know the difference ... However, they've got more important things to worry about. Sam's lower in the priority, and since I'm still stuck on the same day since so much is happening in that day ... :<
Although that does remind me of something I intend to have happen in the future :B
Lol. Well, good luck. I don't know if I can help in any way, but if you need to complain about a difficult passage in the story or discuss Cybertronian robots, you are welcome to write :-)
I wasn't entirely sure how welcome you were to the idea of functioning as a soundingboard, so I'd been hanging back on it kinda, but since you're so welcome to the idea ...
But mostly, right now my problem is mostly toil work. Getting it all into electronic information, really.
Though, since I already have errands to do today, I guess I'd better pack up and finish so I can go home and work. *woeface*
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