Title: Conceptions of the Self -
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Mei's Fanfic Master ListFIC Summary: [2007, AU] Sore throats, nightmares, and the differences between organics and Cybertronians - something is terribly wrong with Sam. To live is to evolve, and shape alone is not enough; think of it as a mutual learning experience. (Bot!Sam, PTSD, Mech/mech)
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YES, black-armored Prime for the WIN! I completely agree with the quote you posted for Angstius Prime's intermission. (BTW, the "Revolutionary Mech Megatron" bit had my friends and I in stitches. You know it's only a matter of time before someone writes a really bad fanfic and/or makes a doujinshi of it.)
I really do think that Prime could benefit from taking Jazz's approach to life. But then, that would diminish Jazz's uniqueness, wouldn't it? I'll just settle for a thorough dressing-down by his 2-I-C when Jazz doesn't feel quite so... lost? Ah, to be the proverbial fly on the wall for the, ahem, 'intense discussion' Ratchet will have with Prime when he wakes up...
Oh yes, by all means, spoil away. This story is like expensive candy - you know you probably shouldn't be consuming so much of it, but it's just so good that you can't help but crave MOAR.
Yeah. While self-repair systems brought Descendant out of fragment-land, Decepticon army procedures are just really ... really twisting his programing. While it really doesn't show much, Descendant is just shades above catatonia.
I think I read one other story with Decepticon!Sam, and I just didn't like it, woe.
Unfortunately, black-recolor!Prime would be too easy to confuse with Ironhide. Woeface! (ARGH. ... I either must write or read this badfic, and/or read the doujinshi, should it ever exist.)
ONLY JAZZ AND RATCHET ARE ALLOWED TO TAKE SUCH A VIEW. Only, Ratchet gets grumpy instead of relaxing.
ONLY SKYWARP COULD MESS UP A KIDNAPPING. Well, for one, he broke several of Sam's bones, then for another, Sam decided it was happy power-draining time again ... in either case, angst HAS ARRIVED. Sam must undergo conversion while things back home go to hell. We have, unfortunately, not seen the last of S7. :\ [/ominous ominous]
Hmm, yes, I <3 semi-catatonic-and-nearly-mute Descendant... and Soundwave as a 'parent'. Oh yes, and: "On one hand, power and ambition were favored -- ruthlessness and competency. And yet, loyalty to the cause (to Megatron) were supposed to be foremost. Say it with Descendant now: What?"
SO TRUE. (Blasted Chaotic Evil people; they're never consistent.)
LOL. Only Skyfail could screw up such a simple operation. It's not like the Autobots have anything capable of getting airborne at the present... but I guess no one can reasonably be expected to predict All Spark!Sam's powers. I really shouldn't have thought the 'Cons were out of the picture for at least the foreseeable future; given 'Cade's earlier intermission, it's obvious the Decepticons are still active here on Earth in CotS. Did Sam even get to choose which form he wanted to become, or will the program just choose for him? (Having read several of the Dragonriders of Pern novels, I had an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT interpretation of the whole 'chasing minibots' thing. But in a *good* way!)
(And speaking of 'Cade, I hope he makes another appearance soon - he somehow became my favorite two-bit-antagonist-with-ten-minutes-of-screen-time after seeing the movie. I completely blame redeemed and semi-redeemed!Barricade fanfiction, like Macx's stuff. But I like your schizophrenic and foul-mouthed!Barricade better.)
NOES, NOT S7. I knew disbanding a supralegal government organization led by veritable (and in some cases not-so-veritable) sadists and sociopaths wouldn't be as simple as it was in the movie. I sincerely hope that S7 doesn't get to Sam before the Autobots. (In which case: JUDY TO THE RESCUE! You could even have her go around quoting lines from Aliens.)
There may be a lot of angst ahead, but so long as it isn't coming from our new woobie, Prime, that's fine with me. ;)
WARGH. Chaotic Evil. HMPH. The one reason I can even GUESS that the Autobots haven't won by now is that the Decepticons often fight with nothing to lose. :\
To be honest, only the Autobots knew what was happening to Sam, so they thought he was just a squishie. Soundwave and his little bastards haven't shown up yet, so there is no bugging the base. I don't think many Decepticons are near Earth, and I don't know how many will show up yet. Right now they're still struggling for power and ending up in small triads, really.
ORLY? I only read one -- what interpretation did you have?
Unfortunately, 'Cade doesn't show up for several chapters. He's had a few run ins with S7, and then Blitzwing, plus the whole mess with Soundwave and Frenzy ... well, anyway. I seriously doubt he's going to do much redeeming.
(RE: " JUDY TO THE RESCUE! You could even have her go around quoting lines from Aliens" -- Goddamn it, I got a mental image of Newt!Miles. wtflol?)
UR KIDDIN' RITE? I won't be dealing with woobie!Prime if I can avoid it.
"See? A 'C'! And its not a rechargeable! Yummy!"
Ah, I was just covering all the bases in case you decided to spring something completely out of left field on us. 'Constant vigilance' and all that. (Given your constant reinforcement of the 'Everyone is LYING' semi-subliminal message, can you really blame me?) At some point I got the impression that the 'Reign of Starscream' comics were canon in this universe, which probably explains my confusion.
Oh boy, Soundwave. I simply can't wait to see what happens when he shows up.
Actually, I was probably thinking of one of the Pern fanfics I read several years ago, but in any case, the context of 'chasing' something (viewed through a Pernese lens) usually involves a dragon mating flight or some-such, and when the dragon catches their quarry, well... I just found it highly amusing from the whole developing Bee/Sam perspective. Good thing you kept that as an outtake :)
Good. I'm tired of the whole 'let's make all the bad guys good' meme that is as old as time itself. Besides, as I said, I LIKE your psychotic!Barricade. He needs to STAY evil.
YES, Newt!Miles. Someone make a fanfic around this premise, STAT! It should involve the copious use of incredibly dangerous hybrid weapons (like flamethrowers duct-taped to assault rifles) as well as a suit of power-loading armor, along with an epic showdown in space over an open airlock involving said power-loading armor. Hmm, are there any Cybertronian starships available?
OH YES. My 'Everyone is lying, you fools!' messages. That's mostly because people seem to assume that characters are all knowing and never are misinformed unless blatantly named so during narrative, lolz :(
I considered making Starscream the Big Bad, then nixed that idea. Considering I'm mostly only taking the movie as canon, Starscream didn't show much capacity to lead SQUAT. Which isn't to say he didn't try, just that he failed miserably.
YES, that will be oodles of fun D8
Ah, I thought that might have been it. Amusingly, I wasn't even thinking of that when I had Bee make the statement that racing Arcee 'put him in the mood'. High octane chases, wot?
I'm just itching for the chance to use the tagline that popped out while writing Barricade's intermission.
When you say "psychotic!Barricade", I'm not sure if you're referring to the way the intermission was written or not. But no, I have every intention of having Barricade around to play havoc with the human's sense of self. Sam's going to be trying really hard to do the 'upstanding thing', and Barricade isn't going to help him do that at ALL.
Oh man, rewriting the first Alien with movie-verse -- and not just filling in the slots, either, WOULD BE AWESOME! The 'Aliens' could be Decepticons, chestbursters could be the cassettes ... MILES WOULD BE NEWT, Judy would be Ridley (or wtf her name was), SIMMONS would be SUPER USELESS COMMANDER GUY. 8D 8D 8D
Aw~ fuck, I'd totally volunteer if I didn't have so many projects on my plate as it is.
I admit that I've fallen prey to the "These characters are completely trustworthy" fallacy. That 'good' characters - particularly hyper-advanced and sapient alien robots who also happen to be of the good alignment (doubly so for those with pseudo-Latin names!) - are always right seems to be something of a given in Transformers fanfiction, unless their fallibility is patently obvious and heavily scripted in advance. Which, given that CotS is told mostly from a very limited POV, it isn't.
Even though one of my friends is a shameless Starscream fangirl, I've often wondered where 'Screamer (who has an entire wiki named after himself over on TV Tropes, after all) found the time to install a Leadership Upgrade Module between his exeunt in the movie and the spin-off comics. Not that they aren't good, of course, but his sudden massive increase in CHA just seems a little... jarring.
Yes, a wording error - I meant to say 'fractured!Barricade', but 'fractured' is a title I tend to associate exclusively with Descendant, so I will say Glitched!Barricade instead. Very, very glitched.
Now don't laugh; redesigning Aliens to work in the Transformers movie-verse is SERIOUS BUSINESS. You'd have to pick one of the smaller, nimbler units - like Frenzy - if you wanted to set the action in the Alien series' trademarked confined spaces (survival horror tension for massive damage!). Or alternatively redesign the 'Cons to make them smaller. And there's something distinctly disturbing/darkly amusing about the idea of the cassettes being chestbursters... it's like the revenge of bad 80s stereotypes or something along those lines. Anyway, Judy would make a great WTF!Ripley stand-in. It even works from a character and thematic perspective, because Ripley was just an ordinary mother who worked as a spacer with the evil company before she had multiple run-ins with the aliens. (Amusingly, the role of Ripley was originally intended to be played by a man, but it works so much better with a female lead.)
Hmn... yes, I'll have to see if I can persuade one of my friends to try their hand at this. (Peer pressure can be a useful thing, at times.)
When CotS was in it's first planning stage, I almost had Ratchet do something horrible to Sam in the name of helping, lolz ... so, um, yeah. (I do not know what that something horrible was, once I decided that would be breaking Sam, but it would have been gruesome :D ) I love having a limited PoV, but sometimes it really does seem like 'plot twists' come out of no where, then -- such as the Seeker kidnap attempt. I didn't really have any inspiration for Starscream though, so ...
(OH HO, so you visit that site, too? I tend to wiki-surf it, lolz, and then my browser crashes for too many tabs.) YARLY. I mean, THEORETICALLY, Starscream could make a good leader, but ... um, I think he would break unless there were a series of Fortunate Events.
(WTF, they upped his CHA? But the whole appeal of Starscream is that he's crazy-but-smart and has the appeal of BABY BARF.)
Ooooh, okay, lolz. Yeah, I obviously can't leave him completely glitched or he'll seriously damage his processor, and be a vegetable ... made of metal ... but it'll take time to reverse the virus/program Soundwave did.
The biggest issue with AllSpark!Sam is him being ... well, Mr. Magical Fix. :\
IT IS SRS BSNS. SRSLY HILARIOUS. I vote for making the Con's smaller -- there aren't enough Cassettes. (Lol, Queen!Megatron). That and I desperately want chestbursting cassettes. That would be a whole new level of awesomeness -- can you see movie!Fenzy popping out of someone's chest? YES, BB, YES! (And I still desperately~ want Simmons to be incompetent commander guy <3 ) For major damage, strike the perfect balance between tongue-in-cheek and horror!
Haha, if you succeed, I want links!
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