May 02, 2005 06:07
TODO Listes
1) Smex Chuu Two
2) He doesn't know why He's There
3) Go poke the Aliens!
4) Pink Tweed of DOOM
5) Not that Kinda Guy
6) The thing what Glows
Yay, I like, drew a pic and coloured it last night! w00t! Sadly, I've decided that nothing will get posted until I have some real Arthur/Ford/Arthur goodness to post.
Lately, I've been wonder just how I could logically have Arthur fall in teh lurve with Ford. I mean, with Ford, its like ... erm, I don't remember why I decided it was almost canical for Ford to love Arthur, but somewhere along the line, I did, and I don't normally do stuff like that.
But Why in the world would Arthur fall in love with Ford? (Lets ignore the movie-verse, cuz its scary.)
- is Familiar.
- is just that strange.
- Knows what's goin' on.
- isn't as scary as Zaphod
- is actually concerned about Arthur's well-being.
- s;fhyiw0evmt *Dies* Excuse me, I was just thinking about that hand-holding thing that happened in Life, The Universe and Everything. That makes me squee everytime. ^______^ *le purr*
I dunno. Well, I'll have something to think about during school today, at least. ^^;