
May 07, 2020 20:47

Welcome to my journal, and thanks for coming. This journal is now friends-only. I no longer post here much anymore, even though I have a perm account; I mostly use my journal for surfing ONTD and other communities. The content I used to post varied between my personal life (school, work, friends, more school), memes, music, civil rights issues, and intense geekery. Amazingly enough, this journal is now 10 years old. Thanks to all my old friends who still have this thing added. I love you guys.

27-year-old gal from southern Ohio, USA. neurodiverse secular humanist Jewish lesbian feminist. likes music (listening and performing), stories (reading/watching and writing), art (enjoying and creating). sleeps a lot, gets distracted, is perhaps judgmental. sort of lewd. cusses a lot. secretly very paranoid. loves making people laugh.


Note: If you friend me on other sites, please let me know who you are on LJ/where I know you from with a message. Some of these sites (in bold) I'm on more than others.

Plurk @ Twitter @ Last.fm @ Pinterest @ Delicious @ YouTube @ DailyMotion @ RateYourMusic @ deviantART @ Tegaki E @ MyAnimeList @ AniVide @ MMMDI @ QBN @ we ♥ it @ Discogs @ Bleach Asylum @ Formspring


Donate to the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Foundation










- Hover your mouse over the banner image to see a list of fandoms each site has art for. The fandoms with the most art on the site will be listed first. Some of these sites no longer post new art for the fandom I originally linked them for (Bleach, most likely) but you can still look at past works which are wonderful.
- PLEASE DO NOT take advantage of these links in order to use this beautiful art for any kind of graphics, including LJ icons! This is not your art! Be respectful!



geekery, series • bleach, best link ever, music makes the people come together, eljay, series • ouran host club, big ups, series • one piece, eljay • filters
