im sorry..i really addicted..i cant stop taking quizzes!
Take the quiz:
"What Kind of Pervert are You?"
The Horny Pervert
The Horny Pervert: You are The Horny Pervert, you strive to let your partner know when you want something from them, sexual or not you do what is necessary to have a sexual act, whether it's public or private. YOU DON'T CARE! YOU ARE INSANE! But you like it, even if it means getting thrown out of a Strip Joint for touching when you aren't suppose to be. You should be lucky to have such a healthy sex life, even with chains, sharp objects, you don't care, it's all fun to you!
Take the quiz:
"What should your nick name be?"
your smart but u surround yourself with people that dont share your IQ but you luv them anyway
what?ooooooooook then
Take the quiz:
"What kind of person were you in your past life?"
Fat kid
Well I think that the title fat kid is pretty self explanitory. You were huge.
Take the quiz:
"Are u straight bi or lesbian (chix only!)"
your probably and most likely Bi
wow these are interesting..
Take the quiz:
"Which Hair Color Are You?"
Ah excellent you have you're head on straight. You're down to earth. You have a great personality you are a lot of fun, but still have goals.
Take the quiz:
"What is your real name? ( girls only)"
you are a love the boys, and hate the girls, no more explaination...
these are startin to get mean..but hey..they arent real right!?
Take the quiz:
"What is your label?"
Troubled Outcast
You're the troubled outcast that nobody really pays attention to..But, its always ironic how they notice you when you accidently trip or run into a something...You're probably suicidal, or absolutely hate when people cut themselves. You most likely despise weakness, and hate yourself for feeling weak when someone makes fun of you. You are probably homicidal, wanting to get revenge on all those fucks who put you through nights where you cried yourself to sleep...Good luck in getting through life, and keep it up, I'm surprised you're still here.
since when..?
ok whatever im finally tired of quizzes..for now..hehe..god im dumb!
sorry..the ones without pics suck!