hell yes, the bride !!!

May 16, 2012 14:41

Yayy the final episode of How I Met Your Mother season 7 is up
and the most important is finally, finally we know who Barney's bride is

ITS ROBIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

after waiting for the entire season to know who will be Barney's bride. FINALLY~~
OMG so much feeling here,,
even after Nora and the stripper Quinn, I know that in the end Barney will end up with Robin. I never doubt them even 0,001%. even after Barney propose to Quinn at the last 5 mins of the show. I always hold on at Lily's statement at the first eps quote Ted, the bride wants to see you unquote. see, why the bride wanna see Ted if she is not his friend. NAILED IT xDD
I often argue with ruphi777 at twitter who will be end up with Barney. He wants Quinn become the bride bcoz he wants Robin forever alone >.<"  We even made a bet, yet I don't remember what is it. see Piko, I WIN LOL
buuuuuuuuuuuuut I (we) have to wait another season to know what actually happen between them. Why does Barney decide to leave his engagement with Quinn to be with Robin. but it doesn't matter because they are AWESOME together.

cant wait for season 8 next summer.. to know the TRUE STORY and I hope that they reveal "the mother" bcoz, hey its eight season already, poor Teddy xDD

I'm so happy for Marshall and Lily, congrats for the baby~~ and Marvin Waitforit Erikson…that is THE coolest middle name EVER xDD

and the last but not least , lets scream for naked NPH

ps: non of these graphics are mine


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