Sometimes I feel the need to say something, even if not particularly new or interesting.
This is the case.
To all who will read my lines…
・。・゜゜☆。.:*・゜HAPPY NEW YEAR ☆゜・。*:.。.:*・゜
Looking forward to Laruku coming to Europe \(^0^)/ ・‥…━━━★
Useless blabbing about XXX lyrics )
It's interesting as always..
I'm looking forward the next part..
But I ended up with more doubts than before XD
Thank you for kind comment ^0^
This song caused a debate in my group.
Not only because its lyrics, but also the PV.
Everyone was trying to speculate.
I do want to know about the meaning of this song.
But I don't want to make the wrong conclusions.
Because you are more neutral in explaining it.
Thanks again~
This song has been a little 'cultural shock' to me XD
So I really wanted to understand reasons for their choice, too.
I feel the need to clarify some things, but in the same time I feel ill at ease doing that. To me it means searching for an explanation of a Japanese work with a Western way of thinking.
Somehow I feel this is wrong...
I'd like to know your interpretation ^-^
It will help me to understand better the song!
Next part is PV ;)
Thank you for your comments <3
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