Happy anniversary to VAMPS!
I hope they had a great time with their fans in Tokyo :)
Of course I need to celebrate it somehow, even if a bit late!
I resumed an interview I had only partially translated and already posted, and I have completed another part.
The old part has been revised, too, because I knew there were some mistakes >_<
This doesn’t mean that now it’s perfect, of course ^^;
I think my opinion on K.A.Z has changed after reading it.
May I say he’s the cutest thing ever? XD
(WHAT's IN, June 2010)
Taking the idea from the previous single DEVIL SIDE and the recent single ANGEL TRIP, we got from HYDE and K.A.Z an analysis of each other’s angel and devil side.
Will they turn out to be angel or devil?
H: K.A.Z-kun is basically an angel always, isn’t he?
___I think you’re right. Take his smile for example.
H: He’s surrounded by such a sweet aura. How to say it? He’s never crabby (laughs). But he changes completely at lives, so I believe this is his most interesting part.
___He does become a devil at lives.
H: He has also that side, in a sense.
___Another angel side to throw light on?
H: He actually likes mascot characters (yuruchara). He likes frogs. Despite saying something or other, despite being a rock kid, he seems to have a crush on those things. Every time I discover this, I think: “Uhu, this guy is amazing…this guy is amazing” and I can’t help smiling. He likes sweets, too.
___Angel food?
H: Yep. When he eats out at restaurant, after his meal, he often asks for an ice cream. He also likes pancakes. Isn’t the fact that he likes desserts something angelic?
___Even though this is an interview, your words sound very sweet.
H: It is so. He seems also to have something like an aura that makes him loved by guys. I can imagine he has always had many male friends, and he has been loved by them. Well… he was probably popular among girls, too (laughs). I feel he was popular between males.
___What is he like in the studio?
H: The fact itself that K.A.Z-kun is in charge of the direction makes him an angel according to everyone.
___An angelic director! That’s incredibly good!
H: All of members trust him. Members trust him when it comes to music, and, because of his fine character, he has the magic power to make you think that everything he tells you is the right thing to do. When he tells me something like “Ju-ken can move here, but he will make a much more shocking appearance if he doesn’t move here”, he doesn’t need to say it over (laughs). Every time he talks to me, I feel like listening to what he says smiling.
___What about K.A.Z-kun’s devil side?
H: You can easily see it at lives. His love for rock comes out, and he becomes the exact opposite of his usual expressionless self. He becomes sharp. And biting, too. The other day, by chance I saw his devil side coming out…
___Eeh? Tell me, tell me (laughs)
H: More than his devil side, I can say I saw his passion. He doesn’t look like that usually. We were drinking together in a bar, when a member of our staff came in drunken and said: “I want to say something to VAMPS, but I don’t dare to tell that to HYDE”. And so he moved towards K.A.Z-kun, who was on my side, and told him what VAMPS suck at. “That’s a bad point” I thought (laughs). But since it was his opinion, I listened to it without saying a word. K.A.Z-kun usually is the kind of person that listens to people nodding and saying nothing, isn’t it? But he replied in a loud voice. “K.A.Z-kun, that’s cool!” I thought (laughs). It was incredible! K.A.Z-kun, that was soo cool! I almost never ventured to help him out like that. I thought that their scene was quite good.
___Being there in silence… weren’t you the most devilish? (laughs)
H: No...well, he never talks about VAMPS so deeply, and he’s not that passionate. He’s just like: “It’s fun, then it’s good (laughs)”. Thanks to the fact that that guy unlocked his deep part, K.A.Z-kun could talk, too. I am grateful to that guy, I could see K.A.Z-kun’s passion and that made me really happy. It was a wonderful day. So I feel that I have seen his passionate side, more than his devil side.
___But about the fact that he as an angel side, as he likes sweets?
H: He likes spicy food like Thai. After he has ordered it, he eats with a devilish smile, commenting: “That’s too spicy!”. He shouldn’t order it just every time, should he? (laughs)
___What do you think about the proportion between angel and devil elements in HYDE-san?
K: Well, the more the end of the tour comes closer, the more the angel side comes out. His angel side appears in MCs (laughs). Do you somehow understand?
___Yes (laughs). And usually?
K: The devil side doesn’t come out very much. I think that his angel side comes out for example when he worries so much about people, when he’s looking after people unexpectedly. Basically, he’s incredibly kind. But when we are together … he seems a naughty “boy”. It’s like devil and angel side coexist.
___Probably his innocence is angelic
K: It is so. He’s very expressive, too. Because I’m not so expressive instead, it’s interesting to see such a thing.
___When you are together you can feel at ease and you can be soothed
K: Yeah, probably a feeling like that. However, being usually so much together, I don’t feel that we have conversations different from usual. Besides, when we are in our respective [work] mode, sometimes there is also a chill in the air. We may have a lot of chances to chat, except for working time. The after party, for example. I think that HYDE has become more talkative, compared to the first time I’ve met him. At the beginning I could only think: “He’s not really talkative”. I had the impression he wasn’t sociable at all.
___Eeh? Unexpected!
K: However, I think that he’s absolutely more sociable than me (laughs). HYDE’s devil side/angel side … It’s so difficult, this [topic].
___So, leaving out this devil/angel thing, if you were to describe HYDE with one word?
K: It would be “partner”. He has the things I don’t have as an artist… I always feel that we have great respect for each other.
___So now please tell us about HYDE-san’s devil side, instead.
K: The devil side… spits poison bit by bit. Ju-ken has been had by his poison quite a bit (laughs).
___For example, what kind of poison?
K: You can’t tell what. I often see Ju-ken becoming like: “Eeh!?”
___Ahahahahah, one can easily image. His poison probably has never been directed at K.A.Z-san, hasn’t it?
K: Maybe in my case I haven’t just noticed it (laughs). But it’s really like that, bit by bit.
___And as an artist, when does any devil side appear, for example?
K: This one is probably a little bit different, in the setting of a production he’s quite stoic. There might be moments when, according to the situation, this can be taken as devilish. And about the songs he makes, what can I say?... Ah, well, in our new album there is plenty of devil side. There are a lot of songs where HYDE’s aggressive feeling is coming out more.
___I think that HYDE-san during lives is quite diabolic, in the meaning of aggressive.
K: Ah, maybe. Besides, MCs are pretty diabolic. He is the type that says things which make you think: “Aargh, it can’t be said!”. Maybe he likes putting to shame. That is diabolic, or perhaps I should say S [sadistic] (laughs).
___“He likes putting to shame” (laughs)
K: On the other hand, when I listen to HYDE talking like that, I sometimes feel ashamed (all presents burst into laughter). During lives, I often look at Ju-ken or Arly thinking: “Where will this go?”. Eventually even HYDE will maybe become ashamed of the fact that he speaks for himself. (laughs).
___That is lovable a devil side.
K: Well, I must admit that. Because HYDE has surely affection, even if he spits poison. But what the heck is an affectionate poison? (laughs).
About the expression 毒を吐く(doku o haku) K.A.Z use about HYDE :
it means literally “to spit poison, to spew venom”, a metaphor to say “to have a sharp tongue, to rail at someone”.
I left the metaphor because I feel it includes also all the jokes HYDE plays to the poor Ju-ken XD