I just said Part I because I know there will be further entries that will apply, but I'll forget about this one and not label it part II. Tonight, while I was drawing, I got upset and said that I couldn't draw boobs. That's kind of sad since I'm a girl and everything and I can't draw boobs. Every time I go to draw them, they come out too small. Giving my physique, that's perfectly understandable. It's not like I can look at myself and get any ideas, mind you. So, anyway, I expressed my disgruntledness at my lack of boob-drawing abilities and my brother said to let him draw them. Every time he tries they come out too big. I said, "Good! I want her to have big boobs."
Then he says, "Great! I'll draw them and you can shrink them down."
Then I said, "Yes! Together we make the perfect pair of boobs!"
Us, being the do-dos that we are, that statement could have been taken two ways. Yes, we would be able to draw the perfect pair of boobs, together, but also we are the boobs as in stupid people.
But to further show how much of an idiot I am, let me share some pictures!!! I GOTS ME A FEATHER BOA!!!! And it's black too! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!! And other random pictures I've taken recently.
Click on thumbnail for larger image:
I like these two for some reason. I can't decide which is my "better side."
Back in Black
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