It's been a while hasn't it?

Apr 26, 2008 10:04

It's been a long time since I've been on here.  Angie is AWOL... okay maybe not AWOL but I didn't give her permission to leave.  JK.  Love ya and miss ya Ang.  I've since managed to assist in getting rid of one of the managers in my last post, from a few months ago (the other went overseas with the military), making me assistant manager at TH, and I'm still single.  Hmmm, except for the management thing its not all that different is it?

Since I've become assistant manager, Annemarie and I are kind of becoming pariahs (sp?  I know I suck at spelling).  I was sat down a couple weeks ago and told that now that I'm assistant manager I can't be as friendly with the employees, namely A.M.  My response, handled in a much better way than I'm about to put it here, was "FU".  I'm not going to give up a friendship, which by the way isn't romantic, even though I wish....., just because I did what I needed to do to get promoted.  A.M. and I were friends well before I even had designs of becoming a manager for TH anyway.  Money may be important, but it's not THAT important, and if I have to, I'll give up the position.  The wierd thing is, even though I know VInce didn't like the response, I think he respects me a little more for being able to tell him, straight up, that I'm not going to give up my friendship with A.M.  Still the QSR manager, A.M.'s boss, oh yeah, were not even in the same departments, I have nothing to do with A.M.'s job, is let's just say, not happy with either of us.  Whatever.

I'm learning to drive.  More or less park at this point.  I still get a little nervous behind the wheel, but I'm getting there.  I can at least maintain the speed limit on a highway, if 6 can be called a highway, and that's all that matters.  If people behind me want to go faster than the speed limit, it's there problem not mine.  For someone with a fear of cars, I think I'm doing alright on that front.

I think, on repeated occasions, before I became management, I had said that I could do a better job than the previous managers.  I think I may have justified that statement when the Weekly Almanac readers voted TH "Best of the Best" for 2008 in the Convienence Store Category.  We got a plaque and a banner is coming.  The only bad thing, I got my picture taken.  The things I do for my job.

You know what though, for all the headaches it gives me sometimes, I really do enjoy the job.  I don't know what it is about it, but even when I'm stressing out majorly over things job related, I still manage to smile while I'm doing it.  I may vent a lot to A.M., who returns the favor, venting to me, but I genuinly enjoy the job.  Do I want ot be at TH forever?  No.  But I can see myself doing something similar once I do leave.  Just have to keep my eyes and ears open for opprotunity.  That's the key.

Oh, btw, I'm finally over the 2000 NFL season.  It doesn't hurt so much now that I get to say, Giants, Super Bowl 42 Champions!  God, that feels good.  And the draft is today in a few hours.  It feels like Christmas to me.

I'm gonna try to post a bit more in this thing.  It'll keep the length of these things down if I do.

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