So New York was fun. The weather was nice there and despite having make-up put on me when I fell asleep for 5 minutes on the way home, it was pretty awesome. Unfortunately, flash wasn't allowed so most of these pictures are going to be a little blurry. The more light there was, the clearer the picture. You can figure out what happens when there's less light.
Each one is that big.
Saturday morning picture hostility
He's holding his package.
Tic-tac-toe in the gift shop.
The first place we went to wasn't all that great, except for this.
Josh's fear,
and Josh's love.
"Sol LeWitt on the roof: Splotches, Whirls, and Twirls."
OMG, it's the cool kids. We stuck together, because we always do. Along with some kid who forced himself along with us, which was lame.
Another one.
That's my drinking cup.
African mask
Georgia O'Keeffe
Notice the matching boarder?
Everyone thought she was smoking. But I saw that it looked wrong and that she was blowing bubbles.
"The Seven Deadly Sins: Lust"
Ok this is the start of a series of 7. Paul Cadmus made seven egg tempera paintings based on the seven deadly sins in 1949. This first one was lust and it was of a gross looking woman wrapped in what I thought was seran wrap or lightning. But after Me, Josh, and Brandon looked at it for a while we realized it was a huge condom because of the end ring wrapping around her feet. The artist also turned her arpits and belly-button into vaginas. The way her hair was gave the top a shape of a penis head, even all the way to how her hair parted.
"The Seven Deadly Sins: Pride"
This was had a peacock theme going with it. Her hair and nipples were adorned with peacock feathers. You could tell by her face that she was stuck up. Near her knee there is something bursting her hollow body. I know that there was something with being full of pride and having your pride just burst but I could't really remember it. I forgot to add, despite she looked like an old lady, she had a really small blue penis.
"The Seven Deadly Sins: Sloth"
This one was straight-foward. Old gross man. Rotting away. Too lazy to do anything.
The Seven Deadly Sins: Anger"
Another straight-foward one. He's breaking though a glass panel and the shards are all over. His right ankle is really mangled by the glass but you can't really see the flesh being torn away in the picture.
"The Seven Deadly Sins: Envy"
Despite the fact that she was "green with envy", I didn't really understand what the blue coming from the fangs of the snake-hair she had. You can't see it but the whole field she was in was covered in spikes and there was one all the way through her front foot.
"The Seven Deadly Sins: Avarice"
Straight-forward. He had many arms digging for what looked like crystal-shaped pieces of gold. His back had a huge bag that was bursting because it was stuffed. The further he dug though, the more inpossible it would have been to climb out, and he knew it too because his eyes were fixed on the small amount of light coming down from behind him.
"The Seven Deadly Sins: Gluttony"
Straight-forward also. He/She was inside of a stomach, eating, not food, but intestines coming down from above in what looked to be spaghetti noodles. His/her stomach had burst open, despite the stitched going from top to bottom.
Spiderman? no, its Bronze-woman!
Close up it was just a HUGE canvas of what looked like paint thrown on. But farther away, you see this.
Photograph? No, this was acrylic! It was amazing and huge!
Also puzzled by its awesome-ness.
These were next to each other, so I'll post them next to each other. See anything odd in each one?
This one was just as big as the other one and done by the same artist I think. Only this was tiny squares. Each square had a circle inside it with the complementary color of that square, or some pale, or bizarre color.
3D canvas
Andy Warhol Self-portrait
2D window
Which nose doesn't belong?
I knew there was always art in advertising, but not advertising in art.
"Dad, who is that?"
A short pause as they both walk towards it so he can read the card.
"It's Jesus"
Even on classical instrument, people de-face it.
The first collaborative painting I've seen. One artist did the figures while another did the scenery and background.
Too bad none of the drawers actually open.
The tomb that Josh and Brandon both farted in, thus cursing themselves for life.
Egyptian wigs with gold rings.
Egyptian sledges, in other words, its a sled.
slave ship
I felt something was missing.
The fountain out front.
The first of many high-fives.
Too bad he couldn't immitate the other one.
Another high-five.
Angry faces.
The Chanel fasion exhibit was lame, but the growing flower lights weren't. Josh and Brandon salute it with another high-five.
Adding some color to a dull surrounding.
I love saxaphone players that look like Andy Dick.
A crappy sunset shot to finish the day.
Bright flashes are the way to make friends!
But it sucks when they do it to you.
The end.