So. Went to Canada for a weekish... and it was good. It was nice to get away from shit for a little bit, but the second we came back, it was back to run run run.
But while in Canada, we stayed in Coti's parents cabin, mere yards away from a 312 foot cliff looking out over a smudge of forest onto Lake Huron. I'll save y'all some space and give some links with some pics.
The view from the living room: The view from the cliff in the front yard:
Bridal Veil Falls, where there was swimming to be had: Me standing way way up on Manitoulin Island's highest point, on an 8 mile hike:
And a new friend I made... even the birds in Canada are friendlier than ours... Aaaand... I'll steal Coti's computer (mine still isn't fixed) to put a Tristan update up here later... more wonderful pictures of Tristan to be had soon... I think he should be a model or something sometimes.