New Job tomorrow

Nov 24, 2008 09:42

I start a new job tomorrow. It's only for about 2 months and while it will pay basic monthly bills, itwon't go anywhere towards frills or debt relief. But it will be interesting. I will be recruiting a Psychiatrist, two nurses and several LCSWs for a mental health and addictions provider who is taking over a Montgomery County clinic. So the space exists, they have a Director and a few hires and some temps until I get the perm people. My position was part of a ramp-up grant but also because their general HR person is visiting family overseas for about a month. So I'll also be doing some generalist HR stuff - good actually because many of the in-hose recruiting positions I've applied for want HR experience which I don't have directly.
So it'll keep me going a bit longer as well as provide me with health care recruiting and general HR experience.
The organization is pretty cool - a non-profit umbrella that provides housing and services to addicts, the homeless, and other people transitioning to society. I won't be in contact with clients at the administrative office but will need to travel to Rockville for interviews etc. The office is in a newly renovated Mill area - some high tech companies as well as artists and the ACLU have relocated to this complex.
Hopefully this will be fun!
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