It's been a while.
I finished my exams yesterday, and today I was productive.
(Before exams I was not productive, not even about revising. It became a problem. But it's over now!)
It feels weird to have third year over with - only one more year until I graduate, which will be super scary. I may have to accept that I'm a real human being adult sometime soon.
But I refuse to stop acting like a child for all that. Why children are in such a rush to grow up I'll never know.
Because I like to feel good about myself, here is a list of what I accomplished today:
- Got up at 8, walked the dog. On my first free day of summer. ACHIEVEMENT.
- Called our landlord about the broken window.
- Called the Glasgow RSCDS branch about a teacher for next year.
- Confirmed the meeting time with the committee tomorrow.
- Got an appointment with the Student Counselling Service - fine, I really needed them about three weeks ago, but there's still stuff it'd be good to discuss with someone.
- PACKED: All my winter clothes and less used clothes during the summer, my books, my notebooks, my DvDs, my junk in my dresser and in my wardrobe and Christmas decorations.
- SORTED: clothes I don't ever wear and put it in a bag to give to charity, notebooks that were less than half-full (I ripped out the used pages and put them in the recycling pile; the notebooks I'll use next year).
- Called Adam to confirm he'd be playing live music for us at the next dance class
- Contacted Bina to make sure Rebecca and I could come round tomorrow to drop stuff off in her-soon-our apartment for over the summer.
- Took the dog out for his lunchtime stroll. Retrieved a toy that had been caught in a tree!
- Contacted the girlfriend of a potential teacher for next year since he took my number but never called me.
- Did lots of dishes.
- Added two people to the club mailing list.
- Got the kilt that the club had lent to a member back.
- Went with Amelie (WHO IS VISITING YAY) to the library and printed off and scanned in a document for her.
- Dropped off clothes to charity while doing the above.
- Confirmed that I have the necessary document that my father will need soon and can print it off anytime for him.
- Took out the rubbish.
- PLANNED with Sophia and Amelie about tonight, tomorrow, and August.
Okay, now I'm grasping at straws for more,so I'll stop.
...and tonight I'm going to a leaving party of a good dancing friend. AFTER A NAP.