May 11, 2006 11:23
Kaja and I were bored in comm tech so we tried typing with our eyes shut, and this is how many times it took me to get it right(and my attempts). She's going to post hers as well.
1. I cab tytpe wuthg ny eyes ckised
2. I cab type wutg ny eyes ckised
3. I can eypr wirh nt eyes ckised
4. I can rype wutg ny eyes ckised
5. I can tuoe wutg my eies closed
6. I can type with my eues closed
7. I can ty[r eith my eyrd closed
8. I can type with my eues closed
9. I can type with my wyws closed
10.I can tytpe with my eyes closed
11.I can ty[e with my eyes ckised
12.I cab tyoe wuth my wyws ckised
13.I can type with my eyes closed