TCA Summer Tour

Aug 02, 2010 11:39

The TCA panel for My Generation happened yesterday and we have lots of eye candy of Mehcad! First, he went to the press conference to answer questions about the show and his experience back in Austin (see interview below). Also, he attended the After-Party with his girlfriend, Serinda Swan. More pictures and videos should be coming soon!

Here's a short excerpt of the panel. The questions were asked by Jim Halterman.

The new ABC drama My Generation may not be premiering until September but the cast and producers were on hand today at the Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills to talk about their characters and the show. Actor Mehcad Brooks (best known for his role on True Blood) talked to reporters about his role and returning to his hometown of Austin for filming.
QUESTION: Can you talk about what you guys were like in high school and what dreams you had at that point that, of course, turned out maybe differently.
MEHCAD BROOKS: I’m actually from Austin too, which is great. So I was a kid dreaming in Austin, Texas, about being an actor. And who knew, 10 years from then, I would be brought back to Austin to play a character from…so I’m actually back in my hometown portraying a guy who’s coming back to his hometown…
QUESTION: For Mehcad, if it’s easier to film at home than it is for you to shoot a series away…what the difference is?
MEHCAD BROOKS: I had mixed emotions about going home because, you know, there’s always a reason to leave home as well. And so for me, I had to confront a lot of things in my past, and some things I wasn’t ready for, but I had to get ready for them. And it helped me as an actor because it’s the same thing that my character is going to go through. He’s been in Afghanistan for a long time. As much as he loves his wife and is ready to come home and see his future child, it’s tough to leave the guys that you’re leading in front of the front lines, that every decision that you make, their life is in danger or at stake. So I just finally accepted it, and it was a little scary. And that’s kind of hard to admit, but my heart is in Austin. So it’s really amazing. I wake up every day, and I look out at this landscape that I grew up seeing. And then I get a call time, and I go to work. I’m like, “That doesn’t make sense.” But I couldn’t be luckier. I couldn’t be more blessed. So yeah, it’s amazing.

interviews, pictures, news, events, serinda swan, 2010

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