May 22, 2005 20:48

tomorrow is the last monday i will ever have to wake up early to go to high school for forever! i can't believe we have 5 days left, that's nuts o! i'm pretty pumped for it though! things are nice right now. dan and i are taking an el breako cus we haven't been all that good lately, so i came up with the idea of a break and being just friends for a while to try to make things work cus if we just kept on keeping on with that relationship, we would pry have never talked again after a while, or killed eachother. so if it's meant to be, it will be. but for now, i'm not gonna sit there and let it kill me, this is my last week of high school, i know in the end we'll always be there for eachother and he'll never be forgotten and he will always have a piece of my heart. that's just how it goes.

britt and i are going up north friday night after work! i'm sooooo excited! my mom didn't even think twice about letting me go, she's just...letting me go! i love it! britt...good times coming up this weekend! nothing like last weekend of course, because NOTHING, and i mean NOTHING can top that shit! except maybe seeing your parents sit on the bed we broke this weekend and watching it fall underneath them while indulging of thoughts about the most fun and most pain i've experienced in all of my life, but whatever! hahaahahahahahha! I LOVE YOU! lol!

i wish my scanner worked, i'd show you all some hot pictures of the mad sex we all had together! hahahahahahahahhaahahhahahahahahahahaha! britt will find that funny, because it was hillarious! :) lol!

i'm so pumped for lke thursday and shizzle, k lew is coming back to school so we can walk together and see his beautiful girlfriend again for the last time! :( aaaaaaw! that's sad!

on a happier note however, patrick bauser and i will be walking together for graduation. i know you're all a little upset by this and i can understand why. pat and i do make the hottest couple alive and so it's totally normal for you to be jealous and upset, but remember, it's not our fault god made us to be the two most awesome human beings alive...especially together!

okay, i'm done typing random thoughts.
peace out napoleon!
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