You will only with great difficulty tear this season from my lifeless corpse. I have ALL the feelings about it, and it just keeps getting better.
Peter; PEEETTTTEEERRRRRRRR! I have such a ladyboner for you, I swear. Exactly the right level of creepy and so much smarter than almost anyone on the show (Lydia, you will surpass him, but for now you're 16 and he's a seasoned adult with enough of a grip to realise he's not quite normal ... 'I'm not a total psycho'...EEEEEEE!!!)
I am going to be so annoyed with Derek if he keeps being all growlshouty monster at Peter. You don't have to trust him implicitly, Derek! Just trust him to do what's best for the pack and to know better than you, dammit!
Dylan O'Brien, your face! You scored a goal! 'I already did that twice today, Coach' ROFLMAO
Allison: what the everloving fuck?!? No! Bad hunter! You don't keep shooting teenagers who are just running away! Look what happened to your crazy aunt! DON'T BE YOUR CRAZY AUNT
Papas Stilinkski and Argent: I love youuuuuu I love you both so hard, you should start a poker game together with Deaton to bemoan the terrible choices EVERYONE ELSE is making. I would watch that episode. I would read that fic.