I'm Alive!!!

May 08, 2019 13:10

So it's been, quite frankly, a bloody age since I was last on LiveJournal. I mean, I kinda lost my muse for a while and at the same time slowly lost interest in Supernatural.

Still, I'm kinda back. Probably. Who knows? I'm flighty. Heh.

Anywho! For some reason that I have no clue where it came from, I've had a sudden urge to rewrite a Confessions slightly. So, I mean, I make no promises or anything, but there's a chance I'll be posting that soon.

In the mean time, as I'm working out what I want to change about it, I'm gonna ask anyone still reading this if there's anything you'd like to see changed? I'm not saying I'll necessarily use all suggestions, but I'm interested to see just what you'd change if given the chance.

So hit me up with your thoughts and I'll slowly work on redoing the whole thing. And also work on the next chapter for Bitter Hug... and maybe every other fic that I'm shockingly behind on.

Sorry for the long absence!!

fandom:harry potter, fic:confessions, apologies:sorry!, fandom:supernatural

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