Confessions of a Male Escort

Aug 05, 2013 21:11

Previous Part

When they had finally gotten everyone inside, they had moved to the dining room of the house and Dean had gone off and came back with two large bags of salt. Harry was beginning to suspect Dean actually had magical salt producing skills. Either that, or Americans as a whole had a real issue with their salt intake. He sure as hell never had spare salt knocking about his flat.

He did have crushed unicorn horn though, so maybe it was all a point of perspective.

"Whatever's outside, it can't get in this circle. As long as the salt line is unbroken, this is the safest place to be," Dean told them as he drew a thick circle with the salt around where the family were standing. Harry had actually found out that the two men were called Brian and Ted, so he felt he had actually done something productive. He just needed to learn the names of the other three and he was golden.

"Safe from ghosts?" Brian asked skeptically. Not that Harry blamed him. He had been pretty damned sceptic when Sam had first told him about salt being a handy ghost-repellant. Well, until he'd had it proven in front of his eyes.

"Yes, as a matter of fact," Dean told him snappily, making Harry grin and turn to hide it, looking at where Sam was finishing the other half of the circle. For some reason he hadn't been trusted to make it.

Harry suspected Sam had told Dean about the one incident in which Harry had dropped their last bag of rock-salt into a freezing cold lake because of a reaction he'd been told about. He would have liked to point out their lack of frozen lakes but didn't think it would inspire the family with much confidence if he had.

"Okay. I'm not listening to this anymore. Come on. I got to get my family out of here. Let's go," Brian said, shaking his head as he ushered his family together.

"Sir, please. This is what we do. Just… trust us," Sam told him in a calm, reassuring voice.

"You hunt ghosts?" The son asked, sounding a little too interested for Harry's comfort. One sharp glance from Sam told him not to answer with what he did. That took away some of his fun.

"That's right," Dean agreed.

"Like Scooby-Doo?" Harry choked at that and turned away, trying to muffle his laughter, though the glare both brother's shot him told him he wasn't all that successful.


"You saw her outside, right?" Sam asked the daughter and getting a nod. Harry watched them, quickly taking a step to stand inside the now complete circle as he did. "Okay. Does she look like either one of these girls?" Harry looked up when he was nudged.

"Oh! Right! Hang on. Bloody pockets…" Harry muttered, trying to pull the photos out of the pocket he had put them in and then handing them to the girl for her to look at, ignoring her bemused stare as he did.

"Her. She was paler and a lot dirtier, but that was her," she told them pointing to the photo they had of the old guys daughter. Which was confusing what with the whole cremation thing.

"That's the girl in the walls," her brother added, looking over his sisters shoulder at the photo.

"So it's the daughter?"

"That girl in the picture - She-she's dead?" Their mother asked them, taking the photo from her daughter to look at it.

"She killed herself inside this house," Sam told them, never one to sugar the pill.

"So, what? The maid got her story wrong? Rebecca wasn't cremated?" Dean asked, confused as Harry felt.

"Unless her spirit's just attached to something inside the house," Sam pointed out and Harry looked at him with wide eyes. He hadn't been told that dead people came back because they were particularly attached to a pair of socks or something.

"She hanged herself in the attic, didn't she?" Harry asked them, unable to stop himself from looking upwards like he could somehow see through the ceiling into the attic.

"Yeah. You two wanna babysit? I'll check it out," Sam asked them both, glancing over at the family who were watching them closely.

"Look - I don't care who hung themselves where. Maybe something is going on here, but-"

"It's a spirit, man," Dean interrupted Ted impatiently.

"No, it's just some backwoods hillbilly bitch, and I'm not about to sit around here waiting for her to go all Deliverance on my ass."

"If it's a woman, then she ain't going Deliverance on anyones ass. Though I guess she could peg you," Harry added musingly, grinning at the startled look Ted shot him and Sam's suffering sigh. Dean however just chuckled and grinned at Harry.

"Nobodies leaving the house, okay?"

"Stop me," Ted told them and Harry didn't bother to hold back his scoff.

"Listen, man. I've got a gun. You don't get your ass back in that circle, you're gonna have yourself a third hole," Dean snapped at him, stepping away from the family towards Sam and dragging Harry with him.

"Dude, you don't have a gun," Sam whispered to him when they walked over to where he was standing near the door.

"And? I'm not letting that bastard or anyone else die tonight."

"You cool?" Sam asked him, glancing at Harry with concern.

"Ah, go. I'll stop him from killing the annoying twats."

"You? Really?" Sam asked him and even Dean looked shocked.

"What? I can stop him. You think I can't stop him?"

"It's not that I think you can't. It's more I think you won't," Sam pointed out, ignoring Dean's indignant noise at his brother clearly thinking Harry could take him.

"Oh just go. I won't do anything," Dean muttered with a glare at Sam, Sam just shrugged and then left the room with one last glance to Harry, who just grinned.

"Hey, Fonzie! Question for you. This indestructible force field made out of salt… Have to be kosher stuff, or what?"

"There's kosher salt? And hang on, if he's the Fonz, who does that make me? The Fonz if the only guy from that show that was vaguely bearable. And I use that term lightly," Harry added with a grimace, succinctly stopping any argument from breaking out just by confusing pretty much everyone in the room, much to Dean's amusement.

Though the arguing might not have started because seconds after Harry stopped grumbling about Happy Days and the Fonz, there was a shuffling noise from the direction of the closet. Harry and Dean glanced at one another and quickly moved to stand inside of the salt circle.

"What was that?" The daughter asked quietly, all of them staring at where the noise had come from, not daring to take their eyes away and so not missing when the door opened and a pale, scraggy young girl stepped out of it. "Mom…"

"All right, everybody stay calm. She's a ghost. She can't come in the circle," Dean told them, ushering the family so that they were standing behind them. Harry darted a glance at Dean, then back to the girl when she reached the edge of the salt and tilted her head, a long knife slowly dropping out of her sleeve and into her hand.

"Dean…" Harry muttered uneasily, not taking his eyes off the girl and then watching in disbelief when the girl grinned at them and took a steady step over the salt.

"I thought you said ghosts couldn't cross the circle," the young girl whispered shakily.

"She's not a ghost," Harry told them calmly, suddenly feeling quite in his element given he knew how to kill humans. If that was what she was. And it was certainly what she looked like.

"Shoot her! Shoot her!" Ted urged them.

"Yeah, about that… go, go, go! Move!" Dean yelled at them, dodging out of the way just as the girl launched herself at him, causing her to crash into the table instead.

"Oi!" Harry yelled, getting the girls attention away from Dean and grinning before he tackled her to the floor, slamming her hand that was holding the knife and making her drop it. The girl yelled wordlessly in anger at him when Harry quickly grabbed the knife from her and rolled away from her, grunting when she kicked out and caught his shin.

"Hey!" Harry and the girl both looked up at Sam's yell straight into the light of his torch. The girl screamed and ran, leaving Harry sitting on the floor, blinking furiously.

"Fucking ow! I think I'm blind. But on the plus side, I now have three knives!" Harry said happily, holding up the knife he'd taken from the girl.

"Dude! What the hell was that?" Dean asked him, sounding like he wasn't sure if he was impressed or not.

"What? She's not a ghost. Humans I can kill! I know how to kill them!" Harry told him with a wicked grin, looking at the knife in his hand.

"Right… you do know there's only one knife in your hand and not three, right?" Dean asked him warily, both brothers walking over to him and Sam holding out a hand to help him stand up.

"Huh? Oh, right. Yeah. Here, take this." Harry handed the girl's knife to Dean and then leant down and took two large daggers out of his boots. "I have Lily and Rose on me as well."

"You've had them all along? Why do you have two daggers on you?" Sam asked him, looking at him in shock and taking one of them when Harry handed it over.

"Well, in case you haven't noticed, but I haven't changed since my last job. I always take those two on jobs with me. Some clients… well, they can get the wrong idea. And hey! We all now have a weapon, so I say we should all be happy that I'm a paranoid hooker!"

"Dude's got a point, Sammy."

"True. Where did the others go?"

"Ran outside when Harry went Rambo on the twisted sister."

"Anyone know what their names are? Because it's gonna get mighty confusing when they all start panicking and calling out for one another," Harry pointed out as they all made their way warily out of the house and to find the family.

"Maybe we should ask them," Sam suggested, getting shocked looks from Dean and Harry. Neither of which had honestly thought of doing that.

The three of them headed outside in hopes that they'd find all of the family in one piece. Well, in five pieces technically, but five human shaped pieces that were healthy and alive. They found Brian by the side of the house alone and obviously waiting for them to return. Harry just wondered where the man had stowed his family.

"Hey. You okay?" Brian asked them, looking shaken but concerned.

"Where is everybody?" Dean asked him as they made their way over to the man, Harry and Sam following closely behind.


"All right, go get them. Go. Go get them!" Dean told him when it actually looked like Brian was going to argue with him. Once he nodded and then presumably ran off to get his family, Dean turned back to face Sam and Harry.

"So, it's not a ghost then. Which, can I just say, thank God for that because now I'm actually useful," Harry pointed out in a whisper, making sure to not be overheard by the family should they return quickly.

"You're normally useful. That's not the point. If it's a girl, then… it's just a girl. What do we do?" Sam asked, completely baffled.

"It's not just a girl though. She's a complete psycho nutjob. And like all psycho nutjobs, when they kill, then that's when they need to be put down. Which, you know, is something I can do. Because I know you're all squeamish with the whole humanity thing," Harry said with a mock soothing tone, grinning brightly when Dean glared at him.

"Fine, it's a girl. So who is she, then?" Sam asked quickly before Harry and Dean could devolve into petty squabbling. They needed to get some sort of clue before Brian returned with his family.

"I don't know. Maybe it's the daughter, Rebecca. Maybe she didn't hang herself."

"Wait, who the hell did they cremate then?" Harry asked, getting a nod from Sam.

"Exactly. Plus she'd be like fifty years old by now," Sam pointed out, which made Dean look even more confused than Harry felt - something Harry thought impossible.

"Well, I have no idea then. What'd you find in the attic?" Dean asked, looking at Sam for some sort of idea as to what the hell was going on around them.

"Some old junk. I found Rebecca's diary. That's about it."

"Could give us a clue as to who the hell we're dealing with," Harry pointed out quietly. Dean glanced at him and then huffed quietly, dragging a hand through his hair in agitation.

"I wish you'd found a howitzer," Dean muttered before standing up a little straighter and glancing over to where the family were walking back to them from where they'd been hiding. "Listen, we got to get this family safe. I mean, it's just a human, so they can make a run for it. We just got to hold her off."

"Easier said than done," Harry muttered, grinning innocently when Dean glared at him.

"You guys alright?" Sam called out as the family made their way over to them.

"We're okay," the mother told them, glancing behind her where her husband was still standing near the bushes they'd been hiding in whilst Harry fought the crazy no-name girl.

"Danny! Ted! We got to go!" Brian called out. Harry glanced over at them, not liking the feeling he was getting, a glance at Sam and Dean told him they were thinking the same thing he was.

"I'm good," Ted called back as he pushed his way from where he'd been hiding.

"Danny! Come on!"

"Danny, buddy, we got to!" Brain shouted out after his wife, both parents now frowning, whilst Ted walked over to them with a wry grin on his face.

"Told you it was some crazy bitch."

"That you did. Have a prize," Harry drawled, mentally clapping himself on the back for sounding so very much like a Malfoy.

"Head to town. We'll take it from here, okay?" Sam told Ted, getting a nod from the man. Harry, however, didn't think this hunt would go quite that easily for them.

"Danny, come on, baby! We're leaving!"

"Danny, we got to go!" The bad feeling in Harry just grew the longer they went without a response from Danny.

"Brian, where - where is he?" Harry glanced over at Sam and Dean and took a step closer to them.

"So, what do we do? I mean, it looks like she's absconded with the kid," Harry pointed out, looking over to see Brian talking to his wife.

"No idea, dude. No idea," Dean muttered, before all three of them turned their attention back to Brian, hoping to get an idea of what to do next from him.

"Suse, Suse, Suse. We will find Danny, I promise you," Brian told his wife, which didn't really have the desired effect of calming her down that he clearly hoped for.


"No. Take Kate and go now. Now, while you still have a chance."

"Not without Danny," Susan - well, Harry assumed she was called Susan - told him stubbornly. Harry couldn't help but wonder why people insisted on making things so much more difficult for everyone around them. Sometimes he thinks Satch did him a small favour. At least he didn't have messy things like family keeping him back or making his life even more messed up than it was.

"We will find him."

"I am not going out there with Mom alone!" Harry rolled his eyes and wondered if he should do everyone a favour and invite the whole family in on this hunt. It would surely move things long a bit faster.

"She's right," Dean said, speaking up finally - though Harry was unsure as to whether it was because he was annoyed with how things were going or if he feared what Harry would undoubtedly say if things carried on the way they were. "Until we find your son, the safest place for you right now is the shed."

"I'm not going in there either."

"Yes, you are. It is the best defence. The windows are boarded up. It's got one door. It's our best shot right now. Trust me," Dean told her firmly, tone of his voice brooking no argument, something that Brian clearly picked up on.

"Suse, Kate. Go. Go."

"Alright then! Now that they've gone to hide, I say me and Dean head inside and you two search outside with Sam," Harry told them before anyone else could make a plan that wouldn't quite suit him.

"How come you two take the inside?" Brian asked, which made Harry glare at him.

"Because we have sharp pointy objects and know what we're doing. So quit your bitching and get moving! You want to find you son, right? Let's go!"

Harry and Dean began their search in the room the girl had attacked them in, though Harry wouldn't say why they chose that room first because he really didn't have a clue and didn't want to admit that to Dean when he was finally of some use during a hunt. In Harry's opinion, they really needed to hunt more corporeal beasties that he could actually fight.

"So, you think we should check the walls?" Harry asked, looking at the walls and wondering just why all the houses seemed to be made of wood. Good solid brick houses, that's what he missed seeing. Didn't America have the Three Little Pigs story? That pig with the wood stood no chance.

"Yeah, sure, I mean she had to come from somewhere, right?" Dean asked, dragging Harry away from thoughts of pigs and wolves and back to the case.

"Yep. Well, unless she's magical, then she can just apparate here. Doubtful though. So walls?" Harry asked, tapping at random points on the wall.

"Good thinking," Dean muttered before walking over to where he thought the had appeared from and tapping the walls, grinning when he found a board that wasn't as securely attached as the rest. "Yahtzee."

"Isn't that a game? And dear God, what the hell is that smell?" Harry asked, quickly covering his nose with his sleeve when they managed to pull the board away.

"How aren't you used to the smell of rotting carcasses by now?"

"I think I mentally repress it each time. Right, so give me the torch and I'll go see if I can find Timmy in the well."

"You mean, Danny, right? And why the hell are you going first?"

"Not first. Alone. And Danny, Timmy, same damn difference. Look, you don't like killing humans. I get that. It's very commendable. I mean, it's freaking naive and stupid, but hey, that's how you want to go about life. So anyway. Me? I have no trouble snuffing out the life of crazed psychos that possibly like the taste of human flesh," Harry pointed out even as he grabbed the torch from Dean and climbed into the hole.

"You honestly expect me to let you go down there alone?! Sam would kill me, dude!"

"Ardy probably would as well, but it's not like I'm giving you all that much of a choice. Tell you what, you can follow me down, but should something happen to either of us, don't be afraid to stab first and question later, yeah?" And with that Harry jumped down the hole, leaving Dean to curse and then follow after him with a little more caution.

"Please nobody grab my leg. Please nobody grab my leg," Dean muttered to himself, ignoring the snickering coming from Harry.

"You're leaving it wide open for me to freak you out. But no worries, neither of us are going to grab your leg."

"Neither of us? You're not alone? Oh God, we're gonna die." Dean muttered, finally getting to the bottom and then glaring at Harry when he saw him standing alone. "Why say neither of us? That just isn't cool."

"Hey, I was talking about me and the dog. And looking at him, he ain't gonna be grabbing anything except maybe in doggy heaven."

"You find any evidence of Danny down here?"

"Nope, not a smidgen. Now hows about you be quiet and we can hear if anyone is near us."

"You know, I hated films like this. Man, I hate humans," Dean muttered under his breath. Harry snorted softly and then tilted his head, listening to the sounds around him and ducking just in time, thus missing the large knife aimed for his head. "Dude!"

"Yeah, I know. Sheesh! Dean, get back up and find Sam! I can handle this!" Harry shouted just as he jarred the girl's wrist with his own and made her drop the knife.

"I can't leave you alone!"

"You're more a hinderance right now. Go help Sam," Harry hissed, dropping to a crouch and kicking the legs out from under the girl. The girl gave an enraged scream and lunged at him, hands claw like and aimed for his face. Harry just hissed back at her - he found hissing curses in parseltongue really gave him an edge in a fight, if only because they put his targets off - and slashed his knife at her, grinning when he slit along her arm.

The girl paused at this and gave another wordless scream, before dodging to the floor and making a grab for her knife. Harry quickly moved and kicked the knife out of the way, grinning to himself when he saw that Dean had followed his advice and was almost out of the hatch they came in through.

"Right then, girly, I'm really not in the mood, nor am I really dressed for fighting," Harry muttered, passing his knife from one hand to the other and moving his feet to get better balance.

The girl stared at Harry, tilting her head and baring her teeth in a wordless snarl before she moved and completely shocked (and disappointed) Harry by darting down the passage and back the way she had came. Harry went to follow her but gave it up as lost when he couldn't see where she'd disappeared to.


"Harry? You alright? Dude!" Dean yelled down after hearing Harry's somewhat loud curse. Harry grumbled under his breath and headed back to where they'd entered the wall cavity.

"I'm fine. The cowardly bitch ran off!! She freaking ran off!! Can you believe that?! Still, she did drop her knife, so that's something," Harry added, walking back to where he'd kicked the knife and picking it up with a grin. "I'm coming back up. Dunno if we should continue on this route. She kinda has the upper hand down here."

"You're right. Come back up and we'll go see if Sam has a better idea. If somethings gonna kill any of us, we can't go through the humiliation of it being a human."

"Tell me about it. Especially not a crazed, rabid, psycho-bitch from Hell," Harry grumbled as he heaved himself up the rope and out of the wall.

"So she just appeared out of nowhere?" Sam asked. The three of them were sitting on the steps of the house, keeping the shed with the scared family within their sights but keeping enough distance away that they could have the privacy to discuss the case.

"She's not got an ounce of magical ability in her so I very much doubt she appeared out of nowhere. Plus there wasn't a pop," Harry added almost as an after thought and getting a weird look from both brother. "Er… what I mean is, she came from somewhere, I just didn't see where. Which is why we returned here. She knows those walls better than we do. It just isn't a great idea to go poking about in those walls half blind."

"Harry's got a point. She has a huge advantage over us in that respect. We need a better plan," Dean said grumpily. Sam stared at them both and then picked up the book he'd brought out with him. "What's that?"

"Rebecca's diary. I finished reading it."

"And?" Harry and Dean asked, glancing at one another before turning their attention back to Sam.

"That girl back there? Pretty sure she was Rebecca's daughter," Sam told them, feeling a little satisfied at the stunned looks that piece of news got him.

"Rebecca had a kid?"

"It's all she talks about. Being pregnant, being ashamed of being pregnant."

"She friends with Hermione?" Harry grouched, getting an amused look from Sam, the only one of the two brothers to know of Harry's old friend.

"Huh? And back on topic, why'd she kill herself after the baby?"

"The shame doesn't give you a hint?" Harry asked dryly, grinning when Dean just glared at him.

"I think it was maybe because her dad called her a dirty little whore and said he was gonna lock the baby up," Sam suggested.

"That'll do it. Though I still can't understand why whores get such a bad press. Not like our customers can't say we don't please them. Wankers," Harry muttered under his breath. Dean gaped at him then glanced at Sam, who just looked like he was trying not to laugh.

"Right. I can safely say that neither me nor Sammy are going to dispute that. So… can we instead tell me why her father would imply it was a bad thing?" Dean asked, silently praying for patience and possibly a little more sanity. Sam just stared at him impassively, and Dean realised just why the dad had called her a whore. "Oh, gross."


"So, the daddy was the babydaddy too?" Dean asked.

"And I thought purebloods were creepy skeevs," Harry said with a grimace.

"Dude was a monster, guys."

"Wow. A story ripped from an Australian headline. Humans, man. So, she's been locked up her whole life?"

"You saw her eyes. Has she ever seen light? She's barely human," Sam told them with a grimace.

"Okay, so, what then; she's been caged up like an animal and she busts out and ganks dear old Dad? Slash Granddad?" Dean asked, getting a muffled giggle from Harry.

"I guess."

"Well, can't say I blame her."

"Here here," Harry agreed with a firm nod.

"I'm sure her life was hell, guys. It doesn't mean she gets a free pass for murder," Sam told them, bitchface firmly in place.

"Like you know what Hell's like."

"Awkward," Harry murmured, grinning when Dean turned his glare onto him.

"I didn't…"

"Is this really the time for you two to have a bitch fight? Really? Yes, Hell was a terrible, terrible place that we can't even imagine. Truly, we feel for you. Now, can we please go kill psycho-bitch?" Harry asked, feeling only a small niggle of guilt for brushing Dean's problems with Hell away so callously.

"Harry's right, forget it."

"So where do we find her?"

"Kid's gotta eat, right?" Dean asked, getting curious looks from both Sam and Harry.

"Given it's human, however barely that might be, I'm going to go with yes."

"Exactly. So I think I know where he fed her," Dean said with a grin.

"Ooh! The dense waiter. How did we not check here first?" Harry asked when Dean led them into the kitchen.

"Dumbwaiter, Harry."

"Yeah, that," Harry said absently, waving Sam off as Dean managed to open a hole in the dumbwaiter.

"He could've kept her hidden here for years. Kept her fed, nobody would ever know," Sam said, ignoring Harry who was now eyeing up the knife block.

"Who goes first?" Dean asked, shining a torch into the hole he'd made and grimacing.

"Dibs!" Harry said, pulling his knife out and grinning in a feral way.


"Oh come on! I never get to kill the bad guy! Just this once let me have the fun!" Harry whined - and he would fully admit that he was whining.

"Harry, are you sure?"

"Dude, let him go down already. Harry, the kid's called Danny, not Timmy. Try to reassure him at least a little if he's down there," Dean told him, grinning when Harry gave him a wounded look.

"Dick. I can be reassuring," Harry muttered, almost like a pep talk before nodding, taking the offered torch from Sam and then carefully climbing down the shaft. Harry hit the bottom and quickly took his knife back out, glancing around cautiously and raising an eyebrow when he saw a rosary on the floor. Giving another cautious glance around, Harry quickly bent and picked the rosary up, brushing it off and looking at it. "Forgive me for this, yeah? Surely even you can see what I'm about to do is the lesser of two evils."

Harry then shoved the rosary into his pocket and then starts walking forward, grinning when he soon comes across a gun. Picking it up and checking it before placing it in his jeans waistband, he carried on walking and soon came across another gun.

"Eeesh, this bitch is worse than Malfoy for taking shit that doesn't belong to her. Either that or this is the worlds most fucked up trail. Danny?" Harry called out, grinning when he hears the sound of someone screaming. "Danny?"

Harry hurried forwards, leaving the other gun behind and finds a hole in the brick wall. Shining the torch through the hole, Harry sees Danny, bound and gagged. Harry quickly scurried through the hole and moved over to cut Danny's bonds, handing Danny the gun and then nudging him towards the hole.

"Your parents are waiting for you, kid. Come on and watch your head. I'll be right behind you. Just try not to shoot me, yeah?" Harry asked, absently wondering about the sanity of giving a kid a gun.

"Hurry, he's coming back," Danny told him nervously, holding the gun closer to him.

"Wait, he?"

"Her brother."

Harry didn't have time to answer that before someone yelled and he was tackled from the side, causing him to drop the torch but thankfully not the knife.

"Fuck!" Harry rolled with the tackle, kicking the body off of him and quickly scrambling back. "Kid, head back now!"

Harry dodged when the feral boy went to tackle him again, and managed to nick him with his knife. Unfortunately it just made the boy even angrier and he managed to tackle Harry to his back. Harry struggled with him, trying to find the best place stab him, yelling when the boy bit his hand. Harry snarled wordlessly and lunged up, stabbing his knife into the boy throat and turning his head to avoid the blood that gushed out of the wound.

Harry groaned quietly as he pushed the body off of him, cleaning his knife on the boys already filthy clothes and staggering to the hole. He walked back to the dumbwaiter and grinned when he saw Danny being dragged out and into the kitchen. Harry heaved a sigh and started to climb up the wall, dragging himself out of the hole at the top and lying on the floor in an exhausted heap.

"I'm so unfit," Harry groaned, getting the attention of the three in the kitchen.

"Harry! Are you alright? Shit!" Sam called out, leaving Dean to reassure Danny and rushing to kneel next to Harry.

"Chill, s'not my blood. Seriously though, I need to work out more. One fight and I'm knackered," Harry groaned, letting Sam help him to stand and looking over to where Danny and Dean were standing. "Should we go find your family then? And then the pscyho-sister? Oh yeah, there's two of them."

"What?! Who the hell did you gank then?" Dean asked, staring at Harry in shock.

"The brother, apparently."

Harry followed Dean and Sam out of the house with Danny walking beside him only to almost walk into Sam's back when the two brothers came to a sudden stop on the door step.

"Er… move?" Harry muttered, looking around Sam and mentally cursing his short height and Sam's freakish height. Then gaping at the sight of Brian and Ted standing over the feral girls body, with Susan and Kate huddled together in the door to the shed. "Okay…"

"Guys! You alright?"

"Mom! Dad!" Danny shouted, running around Dean and to his parents, getting engulfed in a hug by his mother.

"Well… least that saves us a job," Harry muttered, looking behind him to the house and mentally groaning at the thoughts of going through the walls and finding their weapons. He was not leaving without them.

"Can say that again. Does that mean we can leave now?" Dean muttered back, whilst the three of them watched the family reunion going on in front of them with blank faces.

"God, I hope so."

Harry sat on the steps to the house watching Dean finish changing the tyres of the Impala. He and Sam had hunted down every one of their weapons - most of which were in the same place, something both were thankful for - whilst Dean had sorted out of the cars. All three eager to get out of there, especially before the police arrived. Thankfully the family were grateful enough to them to wait until they'd left before calling the police.

"Thanks for the head start," Dean said to Brian as he lowered the Impala and Sam and Harry stood up and headed over to them.

"Why doesn't it surprise me you guys don't like the police?" Brian asked dryly, though shaking their hands.

"It's sort of a mutual-appreciation thing. Really."

"Well, thank you," Brian said with a small grin at them. Harry carefully shoved his bag of weapons back in the trunk of the car and closed it, walking back round to stand next to Sam.

"Thank you," Susan added, smiling brightly at them as she walked over to stand next to her husband. Ted standing near the house with the two kids, giving them a nod when they glanced over.

"You okay?" Dean asked them, sounding like he honestly cared. Something Harry found he certainly didn't.

"No, we're the opposite of okay, but we're together," Susan said, making Harry wonder just how cliched the woman was going to get before they would be able to leave. "Thanks."

"Good, now can we leave? I've got to get dressed before tonight," Harry muttered to Dean, who glanced at him and then nodded. The three shared exchanges with the family before finally climbing in the car and driving off, much to Harry's relief.

Harry moved to lean against the car next to Dean whilst Sam wandered off to buy their food. A glance to Dean showed he was deep in thought, though Harry could take a guess as to what he was thinking about.

"You ever going to tell Sam about Hell?" Harry asked quietly, glancing behind him to see that Sam had joined a fairly large queue in the diner.

"Tell him what? That I could understand what those sons of bitches back there were about? That I actually felt for them?" Dean asked him bitterly, making Harry wince a little before shrugging.

"That. And more. I think it'd help. I certainly don't think he'd turn you away. I don't actually think Sam is even capable of turning you away."

"He wouldn't understand."

"True. But maybe you should at least give him a chance."

"You think he'd be capable of getting it?"

"What? Like me? Probably not. What exactly do you want me to say?"

"There's nothing to say, is there? I enjoyed it, Harry. They took me off the rack and I tortured souls, and I liked it. All those years, all that pain. Finally getting to deal some out yourself. I didn't care who they put in front of me. Because that pain I felt, it just slipped away. No matter how many people I save, I can't chance that. I can't fill this hole. Not ever."

"You know my opinion of the people you tortured. In fact, you know my opinion of the whole thing. But my opinion isn't going to help you. His might though," Harry told him with a nod of his head towards where Sam was heading back to them. Dean glanced at him before following his line of sight and silently staring at Sam, not giving Harry an answer.


A/N - So! Not quite a year this time, which is something. And Harry finally gets to join the fight, which is what quite a few of you were asking about. About that though, I get that for us it's been soooo long, but bare in mind, for Harry it's barely been two months since Dean has come back and joined him and Sam, so give him a break, he's not exactly used to hunting. He is slowly getting into the swing of things though, and when he starts to get more used to fighting the things Sam and Dean have been hunting almost all their lives, then he'll start being even more useful to the brothers.

I have no idea when the next chapter will be up! I do have a life outside of fanfiction (shocking, I know), and I'm busy travelling the country going to different cons with my business. So yeah, patience is always appreciated there! :D On a brighter note, I have plotted out what's going to happen and I know how this is now going to end, so that's something! I also know exactly when Ruby is finally going to get her just desserts. So yeah. Patience is a virtue and all that, and I'll try to have the next chapter up when I can! Cheers for bearing with me!

P.S. Asbestosis is a real thing and is lethal… though not as quick acting as Harry implies. :D
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