Title: Don't Make Me Come Back There
Meh_Forget_itCharacter(s)/Pairing(s): Sam/Gabriel, Dean/Castiel, Bobby (mentioned)
Claim: Sam/Gabriel (Trickster)
Theme 06: 365Prompt: 30. Time
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Don't own anything you might recognise
Summary: Car journeys sucked at the best of times. But Sam was getting ready to throw Dean and Gabriel out of the fast moving vehicle…
Word Count: 1,257 words
Warnings: Crack, schmoop, pure adorableness, possible risk of flashbacks for parents/aunts/uncles
Author Notes: Told you I wouldn't be able to leave these alone. Mini!Gabriel and Dean are just too adorable and any excuse to torture Sammy, right? Lol! As for the title... well, I used a Victorian one for the last one, figured I'd use a modern one for this one! *snicker*
Follows on from
Seen and Not Heard The way Sam told the time had changed in the past week since Dean and Gabriel had been cursed. He no longer counted the time between hunts. Nope, he now counted the time between tantrums, scuffles, screaming, crying and, Sam shuddered, naptime. At least Sam had managed to threaten Castiel into not leaving him with the terrible twosome.
By threatening to pull Dean's fingers off and rip off Gabriel's wings.
It kept all three silent for two blissful hours.
Until it hit Gabriel what he'd threatened. Then it took Sam a further hour and a half to calm the hysterical and terrified baby angel down. Whilst Castiel reassured Dean that he wouldn't let his brother pull off his fingers.
Still, Castiel hadn't left him with the two for longer than an hour since then.
And that was another marker that Sam used in order to know how much time had passed. Sam knew that no longer than an hour had passed (no matter how much longer it actually felt) whenever Castiel came back from wherever he'd been searching.
So now Sam was driving along a deserted road on the way to stay at Bobby's house for the remaining time the curse was in place (because Sam refused to consider it being any longer than a week. Tops. Because that was how much longer he was going to survive without either killing himself or one of the midgets). And he was squeezing the shit out of the steering wheel, whilst a sly glance to the side show that Castiel was sitting straighter and more tense than he'd ever been in all the time that Sam had known him. Actually, Sam was a little concerned that Castiel's back was just going to snap from the tension.
Something was going to snap.
"Saaaaaaaammyyyyyy!" Sam gripped the wheel tighter and mentally tried to work out how much more time they had in the car before they finally arrived at Bobby's. And if he'd ever get people to stop cooing over his and Castiel's adorable children and 'how it was so lovely to see that they had been lucky enough to get a family given their 'lifestyle choice'.' Of course, Castiel's confused look didn't actually help at all. And Gabriel clinging to him and looking like butter wouldn't melt just made women swarm to them like bees to honey.
"Shut up, Gabwiel!" Dean hissed, then the sound of shuffling and a yelp was heard, and both Sam and Castiel sighed in unison.
"Dean, Gabriel, whatever it is you're doing back there, stop it." Sam snapped, and relaxed a little when the two children went silent.
Which should have worried him.
"Cath!! Cathtiel!!! Make him thtoooop!!!" Castiel flinched and glanced over at Sam, who just shrugged helplessly. He truly didn't want to know what Dean was doing to torment Gabriel now. Secretly, Sam thought that Dean's child self was using this as an opportunity to get Gabriel back for all the shit he'd put Dean through in the past. And Sam sort of didn't blame him.
"Dean, leave Gabriel alone please. Gabriel please stop whatever you are doing in retaliation." Sam winced at the reaction that was going to get. Castiel hadn't quite grasped the whole 'don't ask them, force the little fucker to do as you say or they'll bitch and whine until you smother them' approach to child-rearing.
It was safe to say that neither he nor Castiel would actually make brilliant parents at any point in time.
"I DIDN'T DO ANYFING!!" Yep. Castiel would now learn the two most hated sayings of Sam's recent life. If he heard the word 'shan't' one more time, he was actually going to shoot himself.
"Dean… Gabri-Sam! Samuel, make them stop! Samuel!" Sam growled and then jerked to the layby and slammed on the breaks. He felt a small spark of grim pleasure at the twin yelps the abrupt stop brought as both Gabriel and Dean fell forward off their seats. Sam was ignoring the look of reproach Castiel was sending him.
"Enough! That is it! Everyone out of the damn car, NOW!" Sam bellowed, opening his own door and getting out, slamming it shut in his anger. Three silent, sheepish males got out of the car, none of them meeting Sam's angry stare, not even Castiel. Who clearly realised he'd not made much better.
"Sam…" Castiel finally said slowly, clearly deciding it was his job to appease Sam, given the other two were currently clinging to his trouser legs, staring up at Sam with wide, fearful eyes.
"No! I've had it up to here with all of this! Castiel, you are going to sit in the back with Gabriel and I am going to sit in the front with Dean." Sam glared at Dean when he made a noise of protest, making Dean's mouth shut with a snap.
"Sammy…" Gabriel whispered, still clinging to his currently older brothers leg and looking at Sam with heartbreakingly sad eyes. Unfortunately for Gabriel, Sam was beyond giving a shit about anything.
"No." Sam said, and all of the three in front of him sigh and slumped. "Back in the car. Dean, kick the dashboard and I'll break your legs. If anyone screams, whines, cries, sniffles or makes any noise other than breathing, then I'll stop the car and leave you on the side of the road. Got that? Good. In. The. Car."
Sam watched with his arms over his chest, as Castiel opened the front door for Dean to get in, and then helped Gabriel get in the back seat, climbing in after him. If nothing else, Sam would rock as a Nazi Kindergarten teacher.
Fifteen minutes into the rest of the journey, and Gabriel was flat out in the back, clinging to Castiel, who at least was looking a little more relaxed now. Dean was slowly inching closer to Sam, eyes drooping a little and best of all, it was silent.
Smiling to himself, Sam reached across and pulled Dean into his side, getting a soft little sigh, before Dean snuggled into Sam's side and fell asleep. If kids slept through the first eighteen years of their life, then Sam would be all up for having a couple.
For now, there was blissful silence and Sam felt like he had nothing to worry about for the next couple of hours. Until one of them woke up, got bored and inevitably woke the other up. At least he felt like he was finally getting a grip of the whole fatherhood thing (which had better not last for much longer, seriously).
He now just needed to work out how to convince people that he and Castiel weren't a couple and the hellspawn with them weren't their adopted children.
Who the hell would actually adopt Dean and Gabriel? Through choice? Who? Sam wanted to meet them and offer them the two.
End Note: Aw, lookit, another de-aged fic! With more annoying, yet adorable mini!Dean and Gabe! *snicker* I think there may be one more fic I could squeeze out of this… possibly. Gotta get them back to the right age after all, haven't I? We'll see.
On the Gospel's 'Verse front… it's not going so well… As in, what I have for it so far really sucks monkey balls and I would be ashamed to post it. So I'm starting a new with it. Or trying to at least. It's slow going. *mutters* Accept this as an apology for the massive delay for that, yeah?