Jun 19, 2005 19:54

argh! i shall start from fri night, erm well had no exams did a tad chidl development revision but u dont want to hear that!

had owen over  for the night, twas quality, we pissed aboot watched freddie got fingered which is fookin hilarious and shun of the dead, which is scary but hilarious!!! OMFG owen farted tons of times like 11 times i was like URGH!!! and he made my living room smell, probs his feet, sweat and farts, sorrry going into details

OMFG its been so hawt!!!

dumdebum! nxt day we went to GREEEEENDAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!     dumdedum nd we met up with alex, tom, raddy, pat nd lucy! got the train, walked it was sooo long nd hawt!!! my jeans felt like a carpet on ma legs. luckily i was prepared nd brought a spare pair off tops haha! erm.....yeah the support bands were alright, hard-fi were ok, taking back sunday were SHITE and jimmy eat world were good!!! aww me nd lucy went to go get refills on drinks nd she just went straight to the taps not realising there was a que, bless.
got along well with alex yesterday, we spoke to aboot stuff, nd we got along really well, and he laughed alot which i think took his mind off things.
when greenday came on we all went to the front apart from tom nd lucy, he seemed pissed off, not sure if it was with us :(

anyway....they were AMAZING!!! AWWWWW I COULDNT ORGASM OVER TRES COOL!!! they started with a fluffy bunneh ln stage singing the ymca! nd then played hey hoe lets go!!  they played well good songs, loads of people were screaming such a quality atmosphere. Ahahaha alex when he got into it, groaned hahaha!! omg, it was soooo embaressing when i was gunna throw a bottle of water, i was in the motion of throwing it when it jogged on owen's elbow so it didnt go far at all nd we got a tad wet nd the bottle hit a woman not so far from me :s sooo embaressing!!! so much for trying to look cool ha! erm...aww..billy joel got people up on stage to play the intruments, nd the person who gots to play his guitar was quite fit nd gots to keep the guitar!! awww they also got a little boy up on stage, ddint see him again after though hmmm!!
awwwww they played a queen we will rock you, which was good!!! and awww it was just SUPOIB!!!
YUP...bought a programme as a memory, saw a few people i knew, nd girls going around in their bra's nd guys *swooon* going around looking hot.

i loved it nd had a real good time, didnt see fi or james or anyone else apart from obviously the group. AWWWW RADDY CAME WITH US!!!

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