Oct 27, 2006 07:11
I'm neglecting my Organic Chemistry book right now...I should be giving it all of my time, but sometimes you just have to quit! I sailed through the first exam, did so-so on the second and well, let's pretend I just didn't take the 3rd exam. Today is exam 4, I've been studying forever, keeping up on the homework and working additional problems...why can't I do well? I give this class so much effort, I wish I could get something out of it, or at least pass with a decent grade. I don't want to have to retake it just to raise my GPA. It's only midterms, I have some time. If this test score sucks, I suppose I should work with someone intsead of alone and try to better learn this stuff.
Next week I register for spring classes...It'll just be the usual, continuing with General Education courses, Organic 2, Advanced Comp. Biology and most likely a philosphy class because even though my current philosphy class is kicking my butt, I love it. I love being able to form my own opinion instead of regurgitating already known information into a 'research' paper. My prof is a tough grader, but it's all constructive critisism and I've been learning a lot from it. Eh, who knows.
I'm a Phi Sigma Sigma, I love being in a sorority! I've been having so much fun, I love getting to know all of the girls and actually having a big group of friends and I love going out! It's great! Initiation is 1 week from today, it's going to be awesome though, I can't wait.
Things have been so busy for me. I love it though, I don't have time to be bored!
Tricia has been sick, I wish I could make her feel better. She's been sick for a long time, I thought that was my job! Not that I like being sick or anything, but I don't want her to feel crappy all the time, it might as well be me since I'm used to it and know how to deal with it all the time.
Okay, Back to studying...