Nov 07, 2007 10:41
So i finally get all moved in and then 5 days later im back downtown housesitting for a friend......really kinda wish i didnt agree cause i dont have the internet there and i have to leave earlier to get to work. Would have really liked just getting settled but what are friends for right.
Today im feeling extreamly on edge with work, wanting to walk right the hell out.....they really do ask alot of me. And then when i got my raise it was a complete kick in the ass! if it wernt for the paid vaccation i have coming up i think i would be out looking for a better job right now.
Not sure what i want to do though, not really wanting to have a job that is completely behind a desk on a comp. Wouldnt mind somthing half desk half active...i just find myself here getting bored and sitting around all day is kinda getting to me and my weight doenst like it either. Someone suggested me working at a music store cause im a total music person but really would they pay what i want prolly not. :S
So long story short i think im goin to be changing carrers come after christmas.
Cant wait for tomorow for the Nucks vs Flames :D woot woot gonna be a great game my team vs my now hometown team :S GOO NUCKS GOOO!!!! (sorry in advance to all you flames fans but i will ALWAYS be a nucks fan!)
really quite stoked for this "housesitting" to be over so i can go home and settle in some more :D