
Jun 25, 2005 13:22

So Summers going pretty good!

Monday-Ashley and MeL j slept over! Me and Ash Walked down the lonely country road and almost were eaten alive by some stupid dear, and we find out mel went the wrong way! so her dad picked her up and met us half way down gunn. Then we laid out the whole day and went to the movies w/. my mom to see The sisterhood of the Traveling pants. We also stopped at target and got sweet glow in the dark tattoos. We got out of the movie at like 10:30(that was my 3rd time seing it) We were SO slap happy during that movie...it was hilarious. We decided we really wanted mickey D's, so i begged my mom and she said we each had 1 dolllar to spend! so generous...


Tuesday-We woke up and did some Belly Danceing, Then ashleys momma came. Mel and me cleaned up the b-ment and did some "kids yoga" haha omgosh..the funniest thing ive ever seen. Then we just went on the computer and her brother came. Then i got ready and had to babysit while everyone else was at palace vision(yeah that sucked for me) i got home around 10 then just hung around online and watched the ending of the game. We won:-) then went to bed.

Wednesday- Sat around all day watching movies. Then shayna, nichole, katie, jake and chris invited me to go see the honeymooners. So i invited Nicole and Jenna and we went. Dumbest movie ive ever witnessed in my life. Wade dado, Justin, and Sarah C's brother were like talking to us the whole time since we were the only ones in the theater. Then me jenna and nicole left and went back to my house. After awhile Nick called us w/ jake and chris and said they were in the sub and to sneak out. So being the sneaky sprinters we are we snuck. We walked all over the boonies and found nothing to do. So we went home and almost got run over my a car. We did some excerizes and kids yoga and went to bed.

Thursday- Woke up and watched the Real World: Austin premier i can tell this seasons gonna be insane. We ate some food and then nicole left. Me and Jenna put on our bathing suits and laid out till like 6. We came inside and figured out plans. We ended up going out to Mr.B's w/ her mom then over to Spencers. We just hung out and watched the game. Then my dad flipped out on me over the phone and picked me up at 10:45...:-( how early! I got home and watched Now and Then in bed. Then came online and talked for like an hour. Then got a call from Ash 1:30..and talked to her till 2:30. Then watched the Notebook and i was up till 3:30 am! how exciting..

Fridaayyy-Woke up at 8:30 for my cleaning lady, and moved down the basement. i slept till 12, until my dad woke me up to take me and my brother up to lunch at Lipumas. i came home and sat around for awhile. Then i got in the shower and got ready for the night. My parentals and Grandparentals left for a night on the town so i decided to throw together alittle party? Jenna came and my brother left so we got ready. Then mel came. Then Spencer, Nick and John. Then Jake, Shayna, Nichole, And Chris. Then Lindsay! we watched the marathon of degrassi and they finished off the rest of the Mikes. Jake shayna nicole and chris disapeared. Lindsay Nick john and Jenna were outside. So me and spencer just laid on the couch and watched degrassi. Ummm around 10:30 everyone went their seperate ways and it was jenna me lindsay and mel. John K shows up at 10:30 and got to stay for about 20 minutes until the car lights showed up. Jenna came in and we cleaned up so my parentals wouldnt find out. We watched Degrassi and ate food untill 6 am:-) we went to sleep at 6:30 and woke up at 12 cause lindsays dad came.

Today-Mel and jenna left as well and now im here. i gotta go get ready for my cuz's and Nat's Grad. parties...Woo Hoo..>Hopefully ashleys coming w/. me! i miss her!!


Camp AGQ-July 16th:-)its aproaching fast!
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