(no subject)

Feb 09, 2006 15:59

so yesterday i had my interview at pizza hut.
im pretty sure i have the job.
he told me to fill out a work permit and they would fill it out and then we would go from there, so i think that means im in. haha, at least thats what alicia said.

then katie picked me up and we went to cleats.
we met grindle, dee, kpack, and jordan there.
there was like a whole bunch of people from our school there.
we had a blast.
then kate had to go home because her mom didnt want her driving in the snow.
so the rest of us went to walmart and screwed around for a few hours.
then i came home and went to bed.

school was kinda crappy today.
tonight im going to the movies with kpack, ben, and the grindles.
were going to see when a strange calls. im stoked!
dee is really sick, and i feel so bad for her :(
i hope she gets better asap!

alright, well im out.
i took a ton of pictures at walmart and cleats and school, so here they are!


okay, at school were doing this thing where you can buy a paper heart for 25 cents and write a message on it and it gets posted up on the windows. grindle and i wrote one to each other and then took it down from the windows and stuck it to that sign you see. those two hearts..thier ours :D

haha, this is justin and ben making fun of people who's forheads stick out.



hahaha, best picture EVER.

blue rasberry icees are amazing :)

yeah, those are lampshades.

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