(no subject)

Feb 01, 2006 16:00

today was a very good day.

school was great, and the dodgeball assembly was hilarious. katie and i basically made fun of jimmy and his gay non-matching outfit and his extra lame skills. he threw the ball at the ground, and not at the people. douche. diana got really sunburnt. i felt SO bad her for her. shes in so much pain, but shes still hilariously funny :) katie gave me a ride home. i love that girl, i swear. um, okay i think thats its. adios!

ps - im not sure if im even going to get a new journal. im too lazy right now to leave all the communites and join them on my other name, and delete all my friends and make a new journal and all that crap. haha, maybe i'll do it another time. i think i'll use DANGitsMEGAN if i do it though.

pss - i love my friends like woah. smoochie comments are always apreciated :)
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