(no subject)

Jul 28, 2004 20:42

soo bored ,,, i was sopose 2 go 2 christinas house 2nite with bianca becca n amanda but now im grounded i went over my phone bill suprise suprise. i didnt go to camp 2day cuz it was gross n ugly out me n lou broke up.. he broke up with me i didnt really care to much tho cuz i was planing on breaking up with him .. oh well were better off as friends thats about it im rly bored so heres one of those survay thingys

*InFo AbOuT yOu*
Name:: meagan
Nickname:: meg
Age:: wun 3
Location:: o'side
Hair color:: blonde
Eye color:: hazle
Height:: 5'5

*Do YoU*
Like your name?: its arite
Like yourself?: yeah
Like your family?: most of the time
Play any instrumentz?: no
Play sportz? If so, which onez?: dance

Food:: pizza most italian foods
Book:: gobblins in the casle i think lmao
Author:: no clue
TV show(s):: room raiders, summerland
Movie(s):: umm idk.. ne thing funnie
Season:: spring
Time (morning, night, etc.):: night
Place to be:: home or biancas house or the mall
Actor(s):: shane west chad.
Actresse(s):: julia stiles

*ArE yOu*
Funny:: not really
Popular:: average
Mean:: not rly only sometimes
Selfish:: no
Spoiled:: very
Athletic:: not at all
Shy:: a lil
Loud:: yes
Outgoing:: kinda

*MoRe QuEsTiOnZ*
Who'z your best friend:: bianca
What do you look for in a friend:: trust, likes the same things as me
What do you look for in a guy/girl:: smile, hair, funnie, smells good lmao, nice n not stuck up
What'z one thing you like about yourself:: eyes
What'z one thing you hate about yourself:: kinda shy
Do you have any bad habitz:: yea
If so, what:: craking my bones lmao bia
Can you sing:: no
Can you dance:: yes

*MoRe "ArE yOu" QuEsTiOnZ*
Are you bored:: very
Sleepy:: no
Tired:: no
Thirsty:: kinda
Hungry:: not rly
Happy:: no
Depressed:: no
Excited:: no
Are you glad this survey is almost over:: yes
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