LJ Interests meme results
- dave matthews band:
Love listening to them, they always cheer me up. Sure it's not Mozart, but I love it. - dci:
Good memories. There is nothing like watching a show live. - food:
I love food. I'm starting to learn how to cook too. I've made a few mistakes. They include learning that Shake and Bake is not Shake and Fry. Also if you are going to broil something you need to first use a clean pan not one with oil on it and second use a broiling pan - otherwise your house could burn down. - movies:
One of my favorite things to do is watch movies. I love to quote them also and I've seen so many obscure ones that people don't always know what I'm talking about. - music:
This is one of the most important things in my life. Now it's my job. - shopping:
Good times. It's hard to find someone who can shop with me. Storm is the best - we can spend a long time at Crossgates. - soccer:
Haven't played soccer in a while - I miss it. I especially miss playing intramural..haha. - the 60's:
My favorite era. I should've been a teenager in the 60's. - the beatles:
Love them. They rock. What can you say about them? - the monkees:
Not the Beatles I know - but I love them so much. And yes, they do play their own music and I will fight anyone who thinks they didn't or don't.
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