(no subject)

Nov 25, 2007 11:00

Sooo actual update....

I was on call for work Friday night which sucked my balls...ended up getting a grand total of 6 calls, only 1 of them really needed attention right then.

But last night...oooh last night.  So much fun, far more than I have had in a looooong time.   It was out friend Katie's birthday, so headed into Boston.  I was a bit woried when I heard we were going to a Piano bar...but holy mother of god.  It's a place called Jake Ivory's on Lansdown st.  There was singing, there was dancing.  There was singing and dancing.   And they did everything.  Piano Man to Don't stop believing to gin and Juice (yes rapping it).  Oh man.  Joe and I are still high on the rock and roll buzz.

Must return there....the place is a party!
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